Hello my fellow survivors of deepression 🙂
If you were a superhero, or super sexy not so villain villain, who’s one purpose was to combat suicide and depression
What would be your super power and how would you use it?
Hello my fellow survivors of deepression 🙂
If you were a superhero, or super sexy not so villain villain, who’s one purpose was to combat suicide and depression
What would be your super power and how would you use it?
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i would be a superhero but no details x rated! 🙂
Oh my! Hahaha I didn’t even consider combating depression with orgasms. That’s so simple but brilliant.
I’d be a villain that shoots puppies at people.
Puppies!! The ones that lick your hands and face.
I would probably have some kind of memory power or something. I’d touch people’s heads, and when I touch them, the memory of every single time they’ve ever made a positive impact on someone’s life would flash before their lives in an instant. I feel like that’d be nice.
*flash before their eyes
this is clever, I like that your super power isn’t really about changing people it’s about showing them that they can be their own superhero. They already are. That’s really cool
My super power would be something but force push but it would be force sleep. Anyone over taken by my awesome force sleep abilities would have a good night’s sleep and wake up refreshed in a good mood.
Plus I’d where a cape with kittens riding on unicorns pooping rainbows printed on it.
The cape is a super power in itself. One sighting of it would fix everything.