Ever seen the Seinfeld episode on Festivus- the airing of grievances?
Well folks, you can air your grievances here. Tell me what you’re pissed about, people that piss you off, companies that fuck you over, the greedy super rich assholes, idiots who are destroying our world, people who cut you off or won’t let you merge, etc. Let it out. Let it be cathartic.
Ok, I’m angry. I want to hear what others get angry about.
What a great idea!
I’m going to enjoy this.
All right. Here are a few grievances.
(I narrowed it down to “only” 20.)
Traffic-Related Grievances:
1a. People driving too slow in front of me
1b. People behind me who tailgate
2. The fact no matter when I fill my gas tank, the price of gas goes DOWN the next day, meaning if I’d only waited one more day, I could have gotten it cheaper.
3. Red lights that last waaaaaay too long.
Child-Related Grievances:
4. Kids who run around in a public place (store, restaurant) as if it’s their private playground
5. Kids who SHOUT EVERY SENTENCE regardless of whether they’re indoors or outdoors, regardless of whether the person they’re talking to is only two feet away.
6. Kids who make fun of other people for any reason just because they think it’s fun to be mean.
7a. Parents who do absolutely nothing to fix any of these things.
7b. Teachers who do absolutely nothing to fix any of these things.
Commerce-Related Grievances:
8. When items don’t ring up at the sale price, despite a big sign advertising the sale price.
9. When the one aisle I want to be in is the ONE aisle that’s full of a dozen people.
10. When there is no place to park, not even in the handicapped spaces. (Yes, I have a permit).
Body/Health Grievances:
11. When the pain in my head starts the moment I wake up.
12. When the prescription doesn’t work and the pain stays all day long.
13. When I can hardly move, and every step is a struggle, even with my leg braces.
14. When I can’t even stand up for the 3 minutes it takes to microwave dinner.
Financial Grievances:
15. Fearing that my disability payments will not be enough to cover the bills.
16. Rising prices… but no rising income.
Political Grievances:
17. People who assume that anyone on disability must be some lazy bum who doesn’t want to get a job.
Miscellaneous Grievances:
18. That awful moment when I realize the WiFi is down.
19. When something important breaks and it’s not something I can fix.
20. Anyone who thinks it’s “fun” to insult or bully another person…. anyone who gets an adrenaline rush from being mean or cruel.
Wow, you have very organized grievances lol
LOL! Thank you.
My grievances are the only part of my life that is organized. š
Grievance: My Chrome just decided to crash and now I’ve lost all my saved (open) tabs. GRRRR.
Acccghh, yes, I hate it when stuff crashes.
I had considered including a subsection of “Technology Grievances”, but by then I figured 20 was already a lot. š
My grievances… Well lets see. I have just a couple.
1. Is with myself. I feel as if everyone judges me/ does not like me. I honestly dont know if this is just my head telling me this, or if I am off putting to others and dont realize im doing it. ( social anxiety maybe ) idk but I try so hard to be kind and nice to others and what I get back (at work mostly) is just short, kurt. almost rude one or two word answers. It really makes me feel like there is something wrong with me.
2. It seems like all some people do is talk others down. And make their own judgements on other people’s life. I wish people would build each other up more than break them down. Doesnt anyone have a heart and care anymore?
LOL, festivus. That was such a weird episode. As for grievances… can’t think of any at the moment (yeah, hard to believe), but that must be because i’m way too tired. So i guess being tired is my grievance? lol.