It’s funny how I give people advice on how not to give up while I am giving up. How is it possible to be that paradoxal? I always gave good advice on how to move on, how to cope with things, but when it comes to me, this ability just stops. Why?
Because it’s easier to look at a situation from the outside and see hope for the people that are involved. Not that knowing it makes any difference, because i’m guessing many people on sp do that: try to help others and giving them hope, by finding no hope in their own situation. Maybe learning to look at things from an objective point of view, as in sort of detaching yourself from the situation, might be useful but… yeah, easier said than done.
Definitely easier said than done.
This totally describes me. I find that helping others helps me eventually.I look at it as gaining the skill and mindset to handle my hiatus.
Its funny how things are like that, I can help somebody with depression and talk to them out of it. But I cant help myself the same I helped out another person
I find that I do this as well, but we ourselves get hung up on certain aspects of improving our own life. The same goes for the person you’re telling “it’s going to be okay.”
The thing is you kinda have to want to get out of it, even though we all desperately want to be out of it, we haven’t willingly dealt with our hang ups that allow us to get better.
Could be chemical. Could be you.
For me it’s both, but I still can’t change, so I just continue doing terrible shit to myself, namsayin’ dawg?
What terrible shit do you do to yourself?
I’m not sure I ever help anyone,,, I make a few jokes and very occasionally talk about a life experience of my own I post song and pictures, Though I am new here. Sometimes its enough just to be here with >>>>>friends<<<<<
Hear hear! I like your posts and comments 🙂
It’s strange how there’s something cathartic about either posting a vent or helping others (personally, just replying is sufficient for me). Although I find it far too easy to pick apart others’ situations and where I can, offer my perspective or irrelevant musings as appropriate lol. I completely understand I can’t offer anything useful…not that that has ever stopped me irl or here…
the goal is to distract people from their problems. 🙂 that helps the most. 🙂
We F-Ing hate ourselves inside and out. Who want to help a looser. Such as ourselves.