Audio Player
I got inspired by those of you who posted yourselves playing music these past few days.
I’ve posted other things I’ve written before, but today I wondered what I could finish in exactly one hour.
So I started a new piece and set myself a time limit.
One hour, no more.
Because of the time constraint, I wasn’t able to include complex instrumentation. I settled on a simple piano piece.
I call it “Almost Nothing”, because it is short and simple.
Thirty-eight measures long, starting in A-minor and ending in C-major.
Started at 5:24 this afternoon, ended at 6:24.
It’s not my favorite thing I’ve ever written, but it was fun to see what I could complete in an hour.
Note: The music is being played by the notation software I used; that’s not me sitting at a piano. (In the interest of full disclosure). I wrote it; the computer played it.
This is really pretty. Did you really write it in about an hour? If so you are like the GEICO of song writers.
Yes, I honestly wrote it in an hour. 5:24-6:24.
Is being the GEICO of song writers a good thing…?
Well if 15 minutes could save me 15% or more on car insurance, and you are a song writer…yeah. Of course.
I mean who doesn’t want to save 15% or more on car insurance?
All I need now is a little gecko lizard dancing to the music.
Cordless, very good! i love the piano 🙂 now it’s the battle of the piano instead of cats!
We could have both, if someone would post a file of their cat walking on the piano keys.
No contest Rocketman. Cordless wins hands down. It is like a stick fort compared to the Empire State Building. LOL.
Hazy Day Sunflower, now now! you just started and you are doing very well, Cordless has been playing awhile you can tell that, proud of you both. 🙂
This is very good!
I like it > its soothing to listen to. I like the title that you chose for it as well.
I dont know much about piano chords but it sounds good.
Keep making stuff. Keep posting stuff.
Keep on Keeping on
Id be curious to know what kind of software you use to make such things??
Thank you! 😮
The software I use is called “Finale”.
I use an older version of it instead of the current one, but I like it.
isnt that like… expensive.. really expensive?..
I got my older version a couple weeks ago on eBay.
It was 45 bucks, which I thought was fair enough.
I already knew how to use the 2011 version anyway, and it works fine on my laptop which has Windows 7.
I don’t know what the current version costs, but yeah, it’s gotta be more than $45.
That is pretty cool software. You do a good job with it too. Keep up the good work and please keep posting bits here and there when you can. Its nice to see creativity on the forum here.
It is a lot of fun.
I like how it can play a variety of instruments.
Piano, plus voice, plus all orchestral instruments, plus marching band, plus wind ensemble, pipe organ, all kinds of things.
That was so peaceful.. Keep writing music like that, and we might just start calling you “chordless”… 😉
Or, hopefully, Chord-FULL. 😉
or Ah-cord-ian
I can do the same challenge, if you’d like. My weekend is super packed, im sorry i couldn’t fit in learning your back request xc
Were you able to listen to the other compositions I’ve posted?
That’s a better measure (no pun intended) of what I really write.
Plain piano solos are rare for me.
i did listen to them, i tried not to be jealous.. I’ll listen again a soon and comment all of my thoughts 🙂 attempting the hour challenge right now!