Earlier, I dropped a blueberry on the floor instead of the garbage and I couldn’t find the motherf*cker. Yes I searched all around the damn kitchen floor, and nothing. Just a damn blueberry but that damn near drove me mad that I couldn’t find that fucker. I saw it FALL to the left of the fridge. Searched the whole frigging area. Tried to sweep under the fridge but nothing. Nothing on the floor that my crappy broom could find. I know it’s just a damn blueberry but- if I can’t find it, it will rot, and it will attract bugs, and I FUCKING HATE BUGS.
Damn near felt like a nervous breakdown- over a fucking blueberry!! Yes, yes, madness is descending…
That thing happens to me all the time, and yeah, it drives me nuts too. Last time i dropped a bolt, and i swear, i moved EVERYTHING in my room to find it… nope, not there. So yup, it’s not just you. FTR, 2 weeks later, the fugitive bolt is still nowhere to be found. I wonder if his first name happened to be usain.
hm, shared insanity…interesting. is it really insanity if 2 people react the same way? eh, i’m sure i’m still wacked in the head.
I love blueberries, and every year when the local ones are in season I have a TON of them.
So I know exactly what you’re talking about… one will drop, and you look down expecting it to be within eyesight because you haven’t moved so certainly it should be RIGHT THERE…
And it isn’t.
I agree; madness descends.
But at least we can all be mad together.
Safety in numbers (I think). 🙂
unless…we start looking at each other like giant human-sized blueberries… >.<
Like that girl violet in the original willy wonka and the chocolate factory.
mm, blueberry dipped in chocolate…
for some reason, i’m thinkin’ of a giant blueberry, like James & the Giant Peach, except a giant blueberry.
bah, I a cat that steals money! i leave $20 on the table bam! it’s gone! i leave a $20 on the dresser bam! it’s gone! the cat has taken about $300 in the last few weeks! and is hiding it some where! my girlfriend is trying to help me find the money! in her new dress! that fucking cat!! 🙂
I’m suspecting that your cat has a drug problem.
Mf, i think your right! i saw the little fucker sniffing cat nip!!! 🙂
LOL. You should consider hiring a catherapist in order to do a cattervention or that might end in a catastrophe!
I have cats that do that, but they don’t have whiskers, or fur, or pointy ears. They speak human. Um. They don’t have tails either. But other than that, yeah money missing all the time.
Lol it probably got sucked into a blackhole, they really do exist it’s just humans can’t see them because science hasn’t proven their existence yet 🙂
can i get sucked into that black hole? and simply not exist? the act of dying, whichever method you do it, is kinda hard and sucky. so getting sucked instantly into a black hole and instantly disappearing sounds kinda appealing.
Mf, i was thinking more on the lines of a catexosit i’ts biting my ankles right now!
Back! Back! you little fucker! see what buying cheap cat nip has done to you! 🙂
Bah, allow me to offer the services of my chickens. they will make fast work of any bugs or blueberries in your vicinity.
bah..are you keeping up with the fights tonight?
gonna wait till someone seeds it lol. so no spoilers!