Although I made this request earlier today, I’ll be redundant and post again. I figured the evening shift probably didnt get a chance to see it, as I made it this morning. I am following through with my exit plan of many months. Please don’t try to talk me down… I am going through with the inevitable. I can barely function any more. All I ask is your prayers, over the next few days, for my eternal soul. My first name is Amy. Thank you so much, even just for reading this. you are all such wonderful people.
I’ll be praying for you, Amy. It was a blessing to know you. I will petition God for your soul’s peaceful rest.
Amy…I’ll ask for your protection in your way to the dead’s land. Hope you can go and go peacefully.
Good luck!!!
Nice to meet you by the way
Praying for you Amy. God’s love is unconditional, may you experience it now and into your rest. I’m so sorry you are hurting. I won’t stop praying for you!
Already praying for you Amy 🙂
You’ll be in my prayers Amy
Im been praying for you since your first post amy.
I’ll pray 4 u. Amy, I wish you peace and freedom from your suffering. God bless u xo and have a smooth soul journey! 🙂
Thank you so much, everyone! i feel stronger already.
Gosh Amy, I’ll pray for you. I’ll pray you get what you need. I’m so sorry it has come to this.