In Physics recently we learned about electrons and protons (it relates to electricity, which is actually what we’re learning about.) Our teacher showed us a demo and when this thing was touched by a negative charge it opened up, but when it was touched by a positive charge it closed. So that got me thinking:
I’ve noticed in life that when i’m near negative people they tend to talk and express their opinions more. And when i’m near positive people they tend to be quite and shy. Just like in the the demo. Negativity seems to open people up and positivity tends to keep them closed. It’s funny how in society we are more comfortable being negative then we are being positive. Shouldn’t it be the other way around if we want a better society?
From my experience, “positive” people tend to preach “happiness” and “success” or show of how great they are, which I take as a sign that they are trying to tell themselves/others or both a lie and they honestly want to believe it. Then there are truly positive people full of life, but those can’t be overlooked. When someone is full of joy, it can get contagious 🙂 The “negative” people usually take some time to open up, but in the end, we all like to talk about our self, just the threshold of to whom are we willing to open up and when, is different. Some are more lenient, some are more introverted and protective. I am not judge what is better or worse, they are just different approaches. Not many people enjoy absolute solitude with no human contact at all.
But then again, it’s just my personal experience. I don’t meet many new people anymore nor do I get to know well many new people. Maybe I just had “bad luck” with people I met or I simply grew grumpier and I am more prone to judging and dismissing people the first moment they seem fake, over-confident or downwards narcissistic egoists.
Idk man, have to say I have not observed similar, positivity reciporicates positivity, negnegativity reciporicates negativity, I find that people’s outward emotional expression has more to do with that emotions prevalance\intensity, than the positive\ negative nature of the emotion. Fun fact, electrical waves and charged ions are proven to effect brain chemistry and activity. It’s why they tried electroshock therapy on patients with depression… (Not advocating electroshock therapy guys)