I am extremely obstinate. My shrink pointed that out to me last week when I was in after recounting some events that had gone on between the previous time I had seen her and the last time. After thinking over what she had said I realized she was right. I am obstinate. I listen to peoples’ two cents but I never ever accept it unless of course they’re a professional psychologist. (That’s another problem I’ll go into later on) I’m not sure why I overlook everything that’s said to me; I guess I just can’t help it. For example, my friend was trying to convince me to not prank this girl I hated a lot. Like a lot, a lot. She was worried if I did it I’d get in a lot of trouble and I was going to hurt this girl a lot. Every time my friend said something along the lines of “don’t do it” I’d respond with a “but <insert pathetic reason>”. What ended up happening was she told me to my face I was obstinate and immature and I got angry with her (that’s another problem I’ll go into later). I didn’t end up pranking the girl. I also refused to believe my friend was right because I hate it when others are right and I’m wrong. Again, my obstinance. My shrink says I should have listened to my friend when she told me those things because apparently she cared about me or something like that. I don’t know what to say about that. That’s always been a concern I’ve had: if someone is harsh with you does that mean they actually care about you? Also, how can I try and conquer this obstinance? Or have I grown on to it that it’s immediately just part of my personality?
– effy stonem
Why do you want to think professional psychiatrists/psychologists/therapists/counsellors, etc are always right? They’re not. They’re just as human as anyone else, and they make plenty of mistakes in their personal lives.
If you constantly look up to psych doctors, you could find yourself in a situation where they manipulate and take advantage of you, like what happened to poor Brian Wilson from the Beach Boys. His shrink conned Brian into believing he needed this guy as his official guardian, and then the doctor became extremely possessive and psychotic towards him, trapping him in an abusive “relationship” for years, until the woman Brian later married helped him escape.
Some of these types are pretty fucked up folks who want vulnerable people to follow everything they say… much like a cult leader.
That said, your current doctor has some good points…. but take everything that ANYONE says with a grain of salt. Decide for yourself if it’s good advice or not.
Oh, and “Effy Stonem”… so obviously you’ve seen Skins, right? Remember Effy’s psychotic murderous therapist? :-/