I heard my step-brother talking about how he used to think he knew a lot, I think more in reference to medicine and about the body. That now he has been in med-school for a few years he knows much more than he used to. Now this normally wouldn’t bother me coming from anyone; I may come off as jealous with this observation, but from this braggadocios fellow it seemed sickening in a way. I mean in a way if you look at his realization, it’s as if in some way he was humbled by the fact his younger self realized he wasn’t really worthy of his know-it-all attitude. That also implies that his current understanding gives him the entitlement to take a know-it-all approach to things. He’s a very know-it-all competitive fellow, let me tell ya.
Eh, I just don’t think I like the kid. I don’t like his family either. So he’s got a superiority complex, or I am blinded by some inferiority complex, probably a lot of both. Either way, I just really dislike the confidence that supports his personality, and I can’t stand that ever growing hunger to impress people that fuels his all-knowing disposition. I really hate competition among family, that’s simply not what life is about.