I got home from my trip to see family in London yesterday. Surprisingly I lasted the week, which shocked not only me but all my family here, too. It was a struggle towards the last two days, though. The voices were still constant, but manageable for the most part up until the last day. But it wasn’t too awful.
Bree threw a fit when she found out she wasn’t coming with me. We left at 5AM, so I told her before I went to bed around 11PM. Needless to say, she yelled at how I need her and then stormed out when I said I don’t. Although, thinking back, I did. Jeremy was fine with not going with me, though.
I wasn’t even home a few hours before I broke down. The voices were particularly bad my last night down there, and slowly built up through the morning and afternoon while j was home until it was too much. I ended up leaving the dining room when I saw Bree in the doorway so as not to cause a scene with her, too.
My Mum’s calling to try and bring forward my appointments with my therapist and psychiatrist as I told her I can’t cope with anything anymore. In the meantime, I’m having my blood test again this week and I might be speaking to my doctor about what’s going on if my mum hasn’t got a reply from either my therapist or psychiatrist by the time I see him. Though, I’d prefer to get the other appointments. The problem is, I’m almost certain they’re both on holiday. And that’s the worst possible thing for me right now.
1 comment
It’s good to hear that you lasted the week, often people underestimate themselves. It’s also good to hear that you put Bree in her place, even if it’s just for a while. O and I’m sorry to hear about the appointments. I hope you get them sorted out as soon as possible.