I hate that it’s taken this long, but hopefully tomorrow will finally be the day. I’ve done my research and prepared everything. If I do this right, I’ll just fall asleep and be gone within 20 mins. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes as planned. I’m tired of things getting in the way and being forced to stay here longer. I can’t stand being alive anymore. Wish me luck.
I’m with you. Completely understand what you are going through. I’m too suppose to kill myself but my family keep on throwing a monkey wrench into my plans. Hopefully next week I will be able to do it.
I normally don’t condone people into killing themselves but if this is what you want good luck. Hope you get the peace you deserve 🙂
******** ?
Would you be doing this if you had a koer in your life ? I hope you don’y mind me asking you that, hopeless95
A lost lover is one of the reasons I’m doing this. It’s not just him though, this has been building up for years. I’ve been depressed ever since I can remember and suicidal since I was ten. I’ve forced myself to stay alive all these years, but him leaving me after so much has happened…it just finally threw me over the edge. This year alone, I got out of an abusive relationship, I lost my college grant, and the one guy I thought would always be there for me…he just gave up on me. He doesn’t want me in his life anymore, and all I want is him. So…he was the straw that broke the camels back.
Good luck! I hope you’ll be ok wherever death takes us. But if you don’t succeed don’t worry, were still here for you.
Hope you get what you want.
Hi hopeless95
Hope you are lucky and pass away in the way u chose!
Good luck. Rest in Peace!
I just want to ask one thing and say something:
I want you to know that there are people who still care about you, no matter what you decide to do. Be careful with the procedure. If you need to get anything out before tomorrow, I’ll be online. I’m here if you need me. I won’t stop you, but I don’t want you to end your life so soon.
And my question: Have you done everything you wanted to do before you go? Live to the fullest before you leave, fam.
I hope you’ve done everything you’ve wanted to do in your life. Be careful, okay? 🙂
Thanks for all your comments everyone. I will be doing this later tonight around 7. I have to do it at night so it will be harder for anyone to find me. It will give me time to make sure it works. Also, I wonder if someone can answer a question for me. I had severe back pain all night and took some vicodin to ease it. I ended up taking five and was wondering what the effects will be. I didn’t take five to od, the pain just wouldn’t stop and it was only after five pills that it did. I feel really dizzy and shakey. Will this just make me pass out like other pills?
I feel your pain. I know it’s so hard for you to loose the man you love although there are always plenty others.
But what if there is life after death? What if the new form of life is worse? How can you believe that by taking your own life you will escape the problems?
What if there is still hope in this world?
You cannot cheat life. Suicide won’t help you. There must be a meaning behind our suffering on this planet. Otherwise there would be no suffering.
Suffering is not random. The very simple fact that there exists suffering reveals that there is an afterlife because there are laws in this universe. You cannot suffer without meaning.
Whatever awaits me after death, I’m ready for it.
we are never ready for anything.
No, you are not. You are not even ready to live this life. Only because you die, it doesen’t mean you will forget your boyfriend.
here what another user thinks ” People don’t go to hell when they commit suicide rather much they stay here in their own hell that they have created in their mind. They can’t move on to the next world until they have found the answers to life and have no unfinished business.”
I’m an atheist. I don’t believe in all of that anyway. Either way, I don’t care. I want to die, and one way or another, it will happen tonight. I’m tired of feeling this way. Things won’t get better, and I don’t want to stick around to see any more of this shit.
My good wishes to you. Dont regret it. If you really feel like it then go ahead.
I think that if you don’t regret it after you due then that makes all the difference in the world even if there’s an afterlife
Hey hopeless95.
Thank you for being open with us. The pain you have is clear and I’m sorry for it.
We will be here to continue to talk.
I’m on the other side of the world. Is there someone there that you could talk to? A friend, family member?
Sometimes it’s good to talk in person, helplines, even doctors care for us and can help.
Remember that you are not alone.
How are you spending your day? Is the weather ok to go out, maybe for a walk or to a café?
The storm in my mind was growing darker every day, my thoughts intensifying until I was thinking about suicide every day. I know the place that you’re in because I was there too, I lived and breathed for a way out.
One night I came close, I was near breaking and thought suicide was the answer.
It was my friends that intervened, I’d thought no one cared, my mind was fallible.
It took me a long time to feel better, it’s not easy, life is hard. I still have that psychological door in my mind, it will always be there if needed, just not today.
Of all days to have severe back pain. I feel like I’m being ripped in half, I can’t move, and I feel sick to my stomach. I hope I feel better in time to do this tonight. F*ck it, even if I have to crawl out, it’s happening tonight. Please wish me luck.
I really wish you had shared what method you were using before trying it. Out in 20 minutes? What is that and how did you get it?! Either way, I hope it works for you, at least. Be in peace.
ignore this post-just testing to see if it goes into moderation.