So many things have been happening lately that I don’t want to wait to just end it anymore. I still have 24 weeks left and I know that I should wait so that I can say goodbye to my family overseas but after finding out that a few of the ones I was closest to are actually complete homophobes it makes me wonder if staying alive for them is even worth it? Like why would I want to see people who would actually hate me if I came out to them? And suddenly my parents have turned into assholes who have started to constantly insult me in front of my friends and other family members and comparing me to my sister and asking why I couldn’t just be more like her… I just want to walk out the door and never come back.
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1 comment
Ugh, that’s awful. I’m not gay, but for different reasons, I’ve been through that kind of abusive bullshit too. Those people don’t deserve you. They don’t even have to be in your life. If you’re over eighteen, then you can cut them out of your life right now if you want.
I’m not necessarily saying that you should, though, since I don’t know your whole situation. But I’ve talked with a lot of people on this forum who did do exactly that, and a lot of them say that it was one of the best decisions they ever made. Best of wishes, man.