Hey. I never wanted to wake up again,but I did. Things didn’t go as planned last night…I hate that I am still here. But I know what I did wrong and I am going to try again tonight. I won’t stop trying until I get it right. I have no hope, no reason to keep fighting or living. I hate myself and I hate that I woke up today. Nothing is going to get better, nothing will change. My life is not bad, but I am unhappy and that will not change. It hasn’t changed for 21 years. I feel like a failure…I just hope I can finally do it tonight and never have to wake up again.
I am more or less the same, except for the dying part. Not ready yet
If suicide was as simple as just closing my eyes and fucking doing it, that would have happened a long time ago. But nope, it takes resolve, then it takes a method, then there is the god damn details. As much as it would be humane to say ‘don’t kill yourself, brother/sister’, i know deep down i have a lot of respect for those who pull it off
for god’s sake find a sure-fire method or DONT TRY AGAIN.
What are you doing right now hopeless?
Yeah…sorry. I guess I just seem like a bother to everyone. I’ll just keep trying until I get it right. I won’t post anything else on here, there’s no point and all it seems to do is bother people. Next time I will succeed.
Don’t listen to “Q”. Take as much time and fails as you need. You are not a bother here and I highly doubt you’re a bother anywhere else too. I hope you find the method that is right for you.
I second that, also this is a place to overcome suicide so please try and do that