It’s insane! I might as well be put into a hospital or something. Anything I have to do, someone has to know. This website is hidden though and so is my online friend. If anyone see me talking to him or writing on this site, I’m done for. Even though I gave small hints on these both subjects. But I really can’t do anything without someone knowing. I can’t even throw my trash out without someone having to look at what I’m getting rid of, sometimes if its a note or a paper I would have to wait until I get to school to throw that stuff out. I can’t even be left alone in my room for at least 20 minutes without someone having to check on me. It’s CRAZY!!!
I know, it’s like this day in age you can never get your privacy. My parents keep checking what I do in school and stuff, and I know it’s because they care about my grades and everything, but it just makes me uncomfortable.
Maybe the reason that people keep spying on you and stuff is because maybe they worry about you too much. Is there anyone that you trust and can talk to about this?
Sure they worry about me, but then they expect me to learn to grow up and know how to be on my own. But I can’t when they’re always on my back.