So I don’t go to regular school anymore, or at least not for now. But right now I’m going to a high focus day school, it has been 3 days going there. I can’t seem to focus at all over there, and I have to do introductions everyday and shit. Ugh and I’m getting medication to help me. I hate knowing that I am going to have to take it. I love the people at the group, but I hate that I am not allowed to have any outside contact with them 🙁 But I also love that I get school work help and I can dress however I want Pj’s or whatever, I can wear it. I hate that I have to talk about how I feel, Which is the reason why I’m there, but whatever I’m trying to avoid it, that may also be why its not helping or because I’m still adjusting.
And today I had to pick up some of my books from my regular school and a lot of people asked where I have been. For once I felt like people actually knew that I existed. Even my crush, I completely went speechless when he asked me where I have been. I started to tell him but then instead I just told him never mind and left. What should I tell my classmates where I have been? (<— would be great if I get a reply for this question) I don’t want them to know where I have been. I have to see some people on my team tomorrow and they will be asking. I’d have to lie, I mean I’m used to lying but for this one I have drawn a blank. Help!