Can someone please just make everything end for me? I can’t stand causing so many issues for my family and watching them all suffer because of me. My family fights over shit I could have prevented if I had done something different earlier in the day. My parents are miserable because they have to constantly take care of me due to my severe health issues. My siblings always miss out on needed parts of life because there is no way to transport me anywhere.
I hate my life. It is just that plain and simple. If someone were to give me a gun and say I could end it all without hurting anyone, I would do it without a second thought. People say I need to stay positive and remain happy. You want to know what would make me happy? Putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger.
Ha, I love how people always say to remain positive, and be happy. As you said the only thing that would make me happy is putting a gun to my head and blowing it away.
Wish I could get a gun .. I know what ya mean .. These other methods need too much thought .. ya brain starts racing and before ya know it your back to square one .. Thinking about the crap that landed us here … Good luck …………