Today i was told i’m the problem, i’m bad luck! all this by the same people i do everthinng for no matter what. The worst part is i don’t have it in me to fight to defend myself. maybe i am the problem maybe i am bad luck..if i kill myself maybe they’ll be happy and have all the luck in the world :(. atleast i’ll find peace
U re not here to plz anyone so stop trying.If they dont appreciate u or what u do for those ****heads
stop doing it because it keeps getting worse for u in the future.Bad people will use your kind perosonality and disrespect u. I use to be like u. Know that everything u are or have its all thanks to u and only u.U dont need those ****.What u need is “dont give a fuck” mentality it works nice.So next time u should try to stand up for yourself and ruin their day like they did your.Show them not to mess with U.Wish u a happy new year in Advance?.By the way after death there is no peace ull just come back and killing urself even worse?Try to be Positive
No person is “bad luck”, that’s absurd. I think you should try to get the people that said that out of your life. It’s sound like you have an extremely toxic relationship with them. Doing “everything for them, no matter what”, and they respond with that. No person needs that in their life. Also, I can assure you, offing oneself doesn’t provide any happiness to other people.
“Doing everything for them no matter what”… have you ever read the Satanic Bible? It basically advocates that you live life the way you WANT to (a life of indulgence) without violating the rights of others, and if someone violates your rights, to smite them down with righteous fury… It sounds like the OP is dealing with what the Satanic Bible would call “Psychic Vampires”… unworthy wretches who slowly suck the soul out of their so called “friends”… look it up if you get the notion…