…of what happened to us in our childhoods?
Let’s do a ‘census’ here on SP:
YES- I have childhood trauma, and it is a large factor in my depression.
NO- Nah, I had a normal childhood, my depression is from something else.
…of what happened to us in our childhoods?
Let’s do a ‘census’ here on SP:
YES- I have childhood trauma, and it is a large factor in my depression.
NO- Nah, I had a normal childhood, my depression is from something else.
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Hmm…yes and no. My childhood generated a lot of anxiety, which then led to certain maladaptive behaviors in adulthood, which in turn generated my depression.
A little of yes and no, i guess i would say the consequences years later helped ignite it.
Yes i guess.. I mean i just realized that my parents were abusive to me.. And to my sister too but she’s still with them and she don’t even know about because that’s the way we raised.
I wasn’t even realizing i had depression and my friends were there for me in hard times. Now I’m 100% changed. I realized everything when i separated from them. And i think true happiness is in friendship.
To an extent, yes. The foundations for a lot of my depression were laid in my early days. By the time I was in my teens they had very strong roots. As I approach the 50 mark, it is in full bloom. I have my good and bad days like everyone, but the loneliness of late, is making it worse….
Yup. But also no.. But then no may just trace back to yes..?
Yes, but there’s also a part of me that wants to deny it and say no. I think there is a history of mental illness in my family that has been passed down from generation to generation. This is kind of a controversial topic though and one I’m still unsure of to be honest.
I do think if some things in my childhood hadn’t of happened I may have turned out “normal” and able to function in society.
I don’t know how old I was but my first memories are seeing various therapists about twice a week. I feel lucky that whatever I was in therapy for is blocked or I was too young to remember. But I’m pretty sure my SA/feeling of worthlessness/depression/self destructive behavior all comes from that.
Or maybe I’m just making excuses for lack of social skills and just being a generally crappy human being.
Yes. From conception on.
I had a great childhood, just later that things went belly up through fate, luck or circumstances.
Both yes and no. I mean things are still just going downhill for me. I may gone into depression when I was around 10 or 11. I never noticed I had depression until my so been girlfriend pointed it out to me. Somehow I wasn’t surprised.
I’m not really sure. I have always been emotionally unstable since childhood. Not sure as to why but it’s just how I am. I’d like to say I’m better adjusted now as opposed to when I was younger. I have been through years of therapy and have tools to help me cope, regardless of if I choose to use them or not.
yes, definitely … but now is also pretty bad … if that stems in some way from childhood stuff is another question. So like others here…. a mix yes and no
A naturally sensitive introvert by nature, taught that I am irrelevant, stupid and “weird” by nurture. As far back as I remember, my subconscious mind plays: “You worthless undeserving pinhead, shutup.” I’d prefer it call me Needle nose.
A very unstable home.. It developed during childhood lots of crying from my side… fight or die response every day. unpredictable and violent anger of family members. Not fit for living in. Rape threats and obscene languages. I have a lot of my childhood to regret for the mess made of me today. So maybe yes. If the childhood was different I would be a completely different person.
A little bit of both but to be honest, my depression came recently when I felt betrayed and isolated by my group. I COULD’VE taken in the whole ganged up on the job so I had no choice but to leave thing but being betrayed by whom I considered “friends” and stabbed in the back is what drove me to depression. When you think about it, people in the past really didn’t have this problem because the justice system didn’t “intervene”. They let men act like men and let them either duke it out or if push really came to shove, kill with ‘honor’ those who destroy your reputation and bully you without end.
Now you go to jail if you as much do any of those things, even punch those who treat you like shit. It’s really sad when you think about it. Almost all of today’s psychological problems could be solved by a little bit of justified violence.
When you think about it, people in the past really didn’t have this problem because the justice system didn’t “intervene”. They let men act like men and let them either duke it out or if push really came to shove, kill with ‘honor’ those who destroy your reputation and bully you without end.
Now you go to jail if you as much do any of those things, even punch those who treat you like shit. It’s really sad when you think about it. Almost all of today’s psychological problems could be solved by a little bit of justified violence.
YES. So true… I’ve thought this exact same thing so many times, over and over again, just wishing I could enact some justified retaliation against a few certain people who DESERVE it… but remember, there were some laws back then in some places too… you couldn’t always just kill or whatever and get off scot free… unfortunately for the transgressed.
I meant to put quotes around what I took from your comment… oh well…