*Thanks for commenting and giving well wishes I appreciate it, @TragedyofJohn, @greeneyes7,
Hello, @who_even_cares, I read your comment and I’m sorry you’re having such a rough go of it, I was at that point for years and I was very angry because, things were hitting me all at once. It was a very dark place and I don’t wish that on anyone. I’m praying for you and I hope things will be better in time.
*Original Post*
Hello, I tried to go back to my old account so I could update what’s been going on in my life. This is the link to my first post, if anyone wants to read it:
I hope this account is not deleted because I just can’t remember my old email to get back to my page. Well then, on to my story. I was really low and wanted to die. I never had the courage to go through with it, and my mom always told me as a child, I had no right to take my life. Because Jesus died for all of our sins. Well, that stuck with me. Not only was I afraid to do it, but I always felt guilty because of what she told me. And God had other plans for me. I’m NOT trying to preach. I prefer to hear others preach though, Just sharing my story of hope.
Despite my situation, (I’m still being mistreated by some people) and not everyone likes me. But the one thing, I have learned for sure, God loves me. He gives me hope and love. Without hope we are lost. I’m happy to still be alive to tell my story, I was raped, bullied and attacked, but this is not the end for me. I’m not afraid to die anymore and I thank God for the hope he gave me. The love he gave me. I’m trying to enjoy what’s left of my life. I’ve met really kind people since my post and I know God led me to these people. My hair is still coming out, there are aches and pains in my body but, everyday I wake up I’m more hopeful. And I keep meeting people with more woes than mine. They say kind words to me, and I can be myself around them. More importantly, God has my back and I have a friend in him even if no one decides to talk to me. I’m not worried about any of the mean and hateful things people say and do to me. I’m still here…and smiling. Thanks for reading š