Whenever someone tries to speak out about what’s going on in their head, they’re immediately shouted down by a chorus of people calling them edgy, an angsty teen, an emotional burden, a weakling, an attention whore, or worse.
Whenever someone kills themselves, the people around them wonder why they never spoke up about what they were feeling before they decided to end it.
This is not a coincidence. The connection is obvious, and yet it never stops. Why are people so infuriatingly stupid?
The 99% have no clue how our heads work. We are viewed as willing victims of our plights. Now if we would just turn those frowns upside down…
You think we’re that much of a minority? I’m not so certain.
How have you been?
Some guess work on my part: A back of the envelope calculation I made based on completed suicides per year (.0114% of worlds population) times attempts made per completion (33) times a factor of 2 for under reporting came out to 0.752 percent. The times 2 for under reporting is a guess. That could be way low.
Been going to therapy and will give living a chance for now.
Ahh, I see. The 1% to which you refer are those who actually made attempts (successful or not) and not those merely considering suicide or in an even larger circle the depressed and even wider, the despondent, and wider still the discontented, and wider still those suffering from ennui.
Thanks for the clarification. (I thought the under-reporting factor was %, but it was cited in an article that I wouldn’t be able to find and that probably failed to substantiate it’s calculations the way you have.
Good for you.
How our heads work? It’s really not a mystery. *No one* likes to be insulted, attacked, demeaned, or degraded. That’s not a “us” thing. That’s a pretty universal feature of human psychology.
Agreed. No one likes to be insulted , attacked , demeaned or degraded. When the 99% have done that stuff to me I figure they don’t understand my world view.
I hope you’re right about that. I’d rather believe that they simply don’t understand than believe that there’s some sort of malicious intent behind it.
Right maybe most of the time. i hope too. I also have met some a$$holes who just seem to prey us.
Whisk: I thought your question to be rhetorical.
I guess.
I like your question, it has constantly been weighing on my mind too, it’s not like I’m a genius-level deteriorate versus feeble-minded tadpoles, it’s just that majority of people are inclined to believe what they want to believe. They are easily persuaded with the mainstream beliefs and the misinforming & attention-seeking mass media. There are those who try to speak up and be heard, but the era we live in right now is intoxicated with infinite stupidity, they twist your own words and use it against you and they bash your own understanding, all the while they think they are far more superior than you just because you’re challenged with a mental health. Maybe that’s why i like reading other people’s stories here, because it makes sense, and i don’t have to explain what i think and feel, because we already know what we’re talking about.
*mental health issue
Wow. Makes sense to me. I’ve always hated that shit!
You almost cut yourself on that edge? I almost cut myself on your sharp tongue!