A quick an painless death should be everyone’s right. The only reason society deems it illegal is because it (and not us) is selfish and has never felt the urge to commit suicide because it isn’t and has never been in such a desperate situation and/or believes in the idea of heaven/hell after committing an “ungodly” act, and wants us to follow the same “rules” of god too. This hypocrisy of the society stands out even more when a murderer is executed by society without remorse, but anyone looking to commit suicide is deemed mental.
I agree fully, it should be a legal right of anyone to have the ability to end their life if they deem it so. No one chose to be born, but we should be able to choose whether we want to live or not. We shouldn’t be forced to socialize, to get married, to have kids, to get a job and work for 50 years so we can shit in a bucket because we’re to old to move anymore. People need to stop reproducing, they seriously need to STOP. There are to many people alive, but OH NO if we want to die then we must be “mentally ill” according to society. “Oh no someone doesn’t want to live in our ‘utopia’ we must lock them up and force feed them medication until they see the light”. It’s so pathetic how people like us are treated in this world.
Very well put.
it’s not going to happen ever, the established system wants workers.
That’s possible. They are pigs who want more and more money at our expense.
I bet if natural resources became scarce enough, the agenda would change from the TPTB.
Adverts would be on, advocating assisted suicide.
Propoganda posters all over the place, guilting you into doing it. Like the ww2 one where the kid says to the parent ‘what did you do during the war dad’?
Old but rich politicians saying “we’re all in this together” to an increasingly younger audience etc.
You’re right, it’ best not to give what the system wants.
I really don’t understand the hypocrisy of this society. many die each day of the most stupid reasons that the same society doesn’t do a thing about it even though it can, and yet when the topic is suicide, suddenly it becomes unrealistically pro-life. through every article you read on this topic, it seems that the author has forgotten the simple fact that we all are going to die someday. they make it look like if you don’t act on your suicidal thoughts you are going to have a very very long and happy life. what’s with this obsession with saving lives that do not want to be saved. why don’t society put that energy on saving those who want and deserve to be saved?
A good topic to bring up is abortion. For some reason, people are ok with killing babies, yet they don’t want suicidal people to go. I believe assisted suicide should be legal in the US, but I doubt it’s going to happen.
Yes exactly, have people forgotten that we’ll all be dead anyway? Why as you said do they think that people who are suicidal are just going through a “phase” and will have a good life as long as they don’t act on their suicidal thoughts. Breaking news, not everyone gets to live a good life like many. A few countries have already started setting up assisted suicide programs, if only America wasn’t some greedy capitalist country we may also be setting it up as well.
true! it’s funny that even on this website, the general approach is pro-life. no one accepts that sometimes there really isn’t a way.