And I’m doing much better, so far.
It wasn’t nearly as scary as I thought it would be. Once again, D and the other tormentors proved to be liars; the doctors did not hurt me or hollow me out.
I’m not “okay” yet, but I didn’t expect to be. I knew that this wouldn’t be a cure, just some emergency relief. The diffusing of a bomb. I’m not a bomb anymore.
Now, I’m going to start making some much needed changes to my life. Wish me luck.
Good to hear you’re going a little better.
Love that song.
Thank you.
I could swear to you one thousand times that I was thinking about you at that exact moment you posted this 🙂
I was just reading your “wasted days” & was worried & felt guilty for not talking to you
until I read ur comment & understood the whole thing about the hospital…
then still felt guilty cause I wished I could have had the chance to tell you I’m praying for you
& that I wish you all the best…
I thought “I wonder if she’ll ever read anything I’ll write here…”
so so happy to know things are going well <3
please take care of urself
I know we never talked before
but I'd love to be there for you
& to listen to you if u ever need to talk
my email is
please know that you're most most welcome to contact me whenever you wish
Thank you, I really appreciate it. I’ll take your offer if I need it. And don’t worry about not commenting on things. I know that there are always more people reading than speaking.
Hey Kat 🙂 So good to hear! I wish you the best of luck with everything. Hugs
Thanks, and I’m glad you saw this. I really wanted you to know that your fears didn’t come true.
So happy 🙂 And so considerate of you to let us know. I’m really glad you’re taking care of yourself.
Thanks. I’m definitely trying to. I’m at a really weird, transitional place in my life right now. From here, things are either going to get better or worse. I’m shooting for better, and trying to avoid falling back into the cycle that drove me to the hospital in the first place. That’ll be hard, but I have to try.
Kudos for trying.
I personally found out that I can’t just assume my mental health will be fine. I couldn’t understand why I felt alright when I was a kid living at home, but now I realise my parents did a lot to create an environment conductive to good mental health.
Just like you have to stay in shape, you have to stay in mental shape too. Atm, one of the most useful tools I have found is the Three Good Things exercise:
Anyway, good luck! 🙂
I couldn’t agree with you more. And thanks for the link. 🙂
Good on you!!
Thanks. 🙂
Lucky…. doctors tormented me
Hey fuckface. Get off this site.
Sorry. I was out of line. If it’s any comfort, it was more to do with me having fucked my life up than anything you did. Stay safe.
Lucky? I don’t disagree with that. I’m very lucky. Sorry to hear about what happened to you though.
Fuckface whomever you are… you make others angry… You upset em… I don’t know you from Dick but you need to take a long hike thru West Virginia naked and covered in honey.
No, sorry SD, please don’t jump on my angry bandwagon. I was out of line.
West Virginia is actually a wonderful place to visit. Not a great place to live, given the really bad economy, but a great place to visit. Beautiful. And the people are pretty nice too. Or at least, the ones I met were.
Hi whiskered fish, I’m glad to hear you survived and that you’re doing better. Yay! Keep being positive.
Thanks. I’m trying my best to be positive. It’s incredibly difficult. But I know I need to.
West Virginia is beautiful but if you walk naked and covered in honey in the woods… Something will find you and eat you. Lol.
I so didn’t mean to get all “stick up my ass” but I did and I apologize. Lol.
I’m delighted to read that you’re doing better, I hope life continues to improve for you.
Thanks. I hope so too.
“the doctors did not hurt me or hollow me out.”
They would, of course, program you to say that before letting you go.
Somebody show WF a melon baller. If he screams at the sight of it, then we’ll know the truth.
Haha but 🙁
I am a she. And that reference went right over my head, whatever it was.
Anyway, that’s true, haha. I guess you’ll have to forever consider the possibility that I’ve been brainwashed.
“I am a she.” Well, you are now! Sadly, you don’t remember a month ago you used to stand up to pee.
Do some catering and you’ll get the reference.
Actually, I’m glad you got some help. If need to talk just type my user name in any comment and I’ll get the message.
Thank you. I’ll be sure to remember that. I may need it.
Hi Kat
I’m glad to see that it helped. Good luck with your life changes. You’ve got this.
Your confidence in me means a lot to me, SadPotato. I really appreciate it.
Alright I see this was a very “dick move”
I will look back to find how else I was a “dick”
Actually I wasn’t talking about this at all. I don’t even remember this, and honestly, this wasn’t bad.
Oh haha I found it I’m sorry I’m just saying the “psychiatrists” at my towns hospital ruined my life
That sucks. I’m sorry to hear it. Psychiatrists can definitely be monsters.