Is it wrong to feel like shit that I’m 31 and have never been in a relationship, I’ve never even have a fling?! People ask why I’m still single I tell I’m happy this way but the truth is I’m not. I feel like I’m not pretty enough or good enough to care about. All the people around me are having kids or getting married.. and me just there with no one..always…
There is nothing wrong with being single. Absolutely nothing, but your reasons for why you’re single are a bit skewed. Everyone is worthy of love and I’m sure you’re a beautiful person inside and out. You just need to give yourself the chance to show that to people.
Yes, forawhile hit the nail on the head. Everyone is worthy of love, you must explore why your single. Are you afraid? Do you trust people ? Do you know how to communicate your feelings ? You must never ever compare yourself to anybody, this is the start of defeat. You are on your own journey in your own life. People maybe married but not happy, you muse move at your own pace. Explore yourself and never doubt yourself
There’s nothing wrong with it. When it’s your time, it’ll be your time.
If everyone around you is doing something, chances are good that it’s either a scam or a horrible idea.
If I said “oh I know just how you feel” it would not seem true at first. Even though I long considered myself unattractive and unworthy of marriage, two members of the opposite sex thought otherwise and I accepted those offers ( a few years apart), much to my regret. After we said the I do’s we all wished we had not a few years later. I was not acceptable after all, neither were they. We all just put on a helluva show for each other at first. Now I know I am unacceptable for marriage, I am here aren’t I?
As for having kids, about 70% of Canadian parents surveyed would not have reproduced if they had known then what they know now. Likewise.
I know it is normal to want marriage. I read that about 92% of American adults will be married during some part of their life. Just as telling, less than half of American adults are married. The stats on this may have changed a bit but the underlying idea is still about the same.
If you feel like shit for still being single you do, but as a single you are now in the majority. Speaking for the minority, marriage is rarely all that good. In fact if you feel like shit now, an abusive or heart turned cold spouse could make it much worse.
I know how upsetting it is to be alone so I won’t try to tell you “it’s not that bad”.
But you can also choose to remember this. You’re 31 and
1) You’ve never been cheated on
2) You’ve never had your heard broken into a million pieces
3) You’ve never watched your ex get married to someone else
I’m currently alone and I actually do prefer it this way.
4) Have not had your cash cleaned out by divorce lawyers.
5) Have not seen your wages “reassigned” to an ex.
6) Never paid child support.
7) Never been obligated to stay in a certain area to comply with a Parenting Plan.
We may think of all this only happening to men in the aftermath of divorce but women are getting nailed these days too.
8) Never had to leave the dog you love with your ex.
9) Never had to understand the loneliness of waking up with no dog by your side.
With people always talking about divorces these days….i don’t see why anyone should want to marry so easily. My parents nearly killed each other in the process of getting divorced which took over 7 years surprisingly. Funny how that works, they hated each other and yet they wouldn’t split. Finally they did however and i was happy. And when i day they nearly killed each other I’m not kidding, my mom almost ran my dad over with the car. Women can seem all innocent and sweet but they’re just as human as men, thus they can get creative with hate just like us men.
It’s preferable