And I’m really, really sorry to anyone who believed in me and was hoping for my recovery. I really didn’t mean to disappoint anyone, but I guess that’s what I’m best at.
It’s no longer a matter of “if”, but a matter of “when.”
written by whiskered-fish
Kat i don’t think it’d be a matter of disappointing anyone.
All i can say is i really hope something can change for the better for you. i’ve seen you around this place since you first joined in ’15 and commented through a few different names, and it’s honestly been nice seeing you around (despite the often dark subject matter of the place).
i know you view yourself with an often harsh lens, but i don’t think anyone on here could see you as such, even when you have setbacks. i hope you can be forgiving with yourself.
You don’t owe anyone an apology. However, I do hope you find the strength to stay.
Hi Kat, you needn’t worry about disappointing anyone but yourself. No reasonable person would, or should, hold it against you that you’re feeling this way. I understand why you’d feel like it’s only a matter of “when”. I’ve often felt like that. I feel like that now. So, I guess it’s achingly hypocritical to say this, but there’s still hope Kat. Life is fluid and joy can be potentially found in so many things.
Hey, mus. I’m sorry for not answering your comments on my previous posts. Sometimes I log onto SP, make a post, immediately leave, and then don’t check back in for days. But I read all of them, and I’m thankful.
That’s fine whiskered 🙂 Don’t worry about it, you do what you gotta do. Also, I can relate.
So sorry you feel bad. I so hope you change your mind.
You are awesome. And thanks for answering, haha 🙂
Recovery from what? Is it addiction? If it is, you’ve GOT to try ibogaine. It really works. It worked for me, I used to be a hopeless alcoholic. And I mean hopeless. Now Ive been sober for over 3 years and its no problem. I can even be around people who are drinking and it doesn’t bother me.
I also gave it to a crack addict and it cured them too.
I bought it from for about $400 USD.
No, not that kind of recovery. But thank you anyway, I appreciate it.
‘goat: Thanks for the good report. I looked up tabernantha iboga. I don’t need it but it may be just right for someone I know.
I watched the documentary on it. That guy on it who was really cocky and nerdy and sweaty didn’t seem super trustworthy to me. I felt like it was a bit like with weed, where potheads are always hyping it.
But awesome it helped you. Was it a one-time affair, or do you have to keep taking it?
I’m not sure what to add here that hasn’t already been said but, I don’t think you’re a disappointment in the slightest. It sounds like you’ve hit a breaking point, a point of no return metaphorically speaking, and I don’t hold it against you. However, I do hope that somewhere along the line, things improve for you.
Big hugs, Fish.
Hello Kat. I have read perhaps most of your posts. I feel for you. I lurk more than comment because usually I can’t figure out anything worth while to add. Any way I know this has been a long struggle for you and I absolutely respect that.
Several people are “hoping for my recovery” too. It could happen. Long shot for sure. I am working on it diligently with my therapist, but she can’t fix everything. I can’t either. Someone on here once said something like: once you ever get a taste of diy departure it never leaves your mind. I have in mind five events, and if even one of them happens, I expect to depart. But so far, so good.
Whatever you do, I would have to respect. I reached out to you about a year ago I think it was. You where in crisis at that moment and I I soon realized I was clueless about what to say right at that moment to you but that moment put you on my heart.