Today was my breaking point. I’m tired of leeching off of others’ friends because I don’t have any of my own. I’m tired of people who, instead of listening to what you have to say, simply go through life waiting for their turn to speak, others be damned.
I’m tired of having to resort to companions who don’t give a shit about anyone else. I can’t even remember the last time I had a true friendship with an actual flesh and blood person.
I’m closer to taking my life than I have ever been. The degree with which I am truly alone and truly unwanted hit me pretty hard today. As others may remember, I have a set time, place, and method of my death pre-prepared. I may just have to move that date up.
Is it possible for you to branch out, find people in different areas of your life?
It sucks finding friends, but those worthwhile people are there, somewhere
Most people truly really suck these days….