I wanted to share with you what I go through to regain motivation and will to live the hard times.
I find time for privacy and blow put all the problems I have, written them on paper or saying them out loud. Then, I imagine that there is someone else, I name him Alex. I imagine he is me, and how this imagined persona acts differently. He takes all this problems, and shows to me how he deals with his own life and problems. Note that they are the same.
This Alex fastly grow up to be a man, to succeed. he overcome the sadness and his current needs. He let aside his anger, and takes the control back to his hands. He plans his moves and even when he knows it will take years to solve his problems, he still fights. That Alex doesn’t go into depression, he acts the other way. He is busy on smiling and enjoying from each moment he breath. He helps others when he can, and he study the best he can. He always fix and adjust his skills, and he doesn’t go hard on him.
When I imagine this Alex, I feel inspired. “I want to be like him. I want to enjoy life…” – and then it comes….. My mind starts saying “Fuck that, I’ll be just like Alex! if he can, then I can!”
and that’s how I gain my motivation.
Ofcours I should state that even with my method, sometimes I fail and fading away. On another note: I’ve strong belief that time kills problems.
Stay strong, be brave
Yours Jac.
ps: write to me how are you doing today.
Have you posted this before like some hours or a day back ? Because I remember this post.
Yeah. I took it off, because I’ve published something else instead. didn’t want to spam this site. So I postponed this post for a different day. Didn’t mean for you to see it twice. sorry for that, and hope it does give you something. anyway, have a nice day.