(Written Feb. 20th, 2015
IT’s Life: Life and Death
It is full of Joy and of Life and Happiness
It is also full of Depression and Regret
But there is no reason for Sadness
For we live with a savor so Great and Wonderful
And thee shall live in his Kingdom and Rejoice and never have Sadness again
So don’t think of the past of Sadness
Think of the Present time right-now
Think that you have a good life
And that One day you to will never have Sadness again
And shall have Joy
Life in his Kingdom
check out some of Joel Osteen’s videos in youtube. im sure you like it.
Joel is an “end time preacher”…. one of the ones Jesus said would be around in these End Days..
The “candy to the ears” type, lukewarm, not taking a stand against sin (as a legitimate preacher does)….
Joel will encounter the “Depart from me, I never knew you”…
Don’t want to be in his shoes when He faces Jesus,,,,
thanks for the information. good to know. i heard him on a motivational video and in the video the spiritual parts were cut. after i looked for the actual video i found out that he is a “spiritual preacher. (i just wanted to say that i’m not into these things. but maybe his speeches could be helpful for faithful people)
They are not helpful because all he preaches is many flawed version of reality…
God played out specific guidelines, and he (Joel) will not preach them because it isn’t what people want to hear these days…
Jesus made this VERY clear.. such people speak in Gods name, but do not represent Him in any form…
can u send me the link?
If you mean the motivational one, look at my last post. The link’s there.
If not, just search him on google.
“Candy to the ears” without any condemnation (responsibility) for your actions…
Ever wonder what is so wrongwith people nowadays? Why we have this younger culture that doesn’t accept responsibility, it is because they are raised by parents that are the same, and have bought into the “candy to the ears” preaching…
Those like Joel preach don’t preach “accountability to God”….
People don’t want to hear “bad things” now….
They refuse to listen to God as a whole and go “on their own way”, reasoning they don’t need God or His long standing rules He made for us..
So, what you see now, like school shootings too, are a DIRECT result of this…
….concering school shootings,,.,,
We had guns at home for over 200 years now…
All of that time has gone by… school shootings are a rather recent scourge…
Guns aren’t the cause of this…
The cause is that we as a society have lost sight of a thing called “accountability”.
We (as a whole) have thrown God aside in favor of our own “reasoning”, which has led to us making our own rules,,, the “satisfy me”…and “entitlement” so many of the young (and even many adults) now feel.
It really is quite simple, and an intelligent person is able to set aside their own biting ignorance to realize reality as it truly is.