Someone wants to end their existence to escape the suffering and avoid more pain, lied to and betrayed all their life. After they confide in you, saying good bye rather than disappearing without a trace, you stop them by lying to them, getting them to open up and toy with their emotions while betraying them behind their back. Unsure if it was for personal gain, or for a belief that they were doing the right thing.
The one thing I’m certain of, is that it’s cruel.
Goddamn. I wrote something good but it deletes if you say fucc. Closure is one thing but those answers you desire will only feed another string of questions. Fukk’em! They don’t deserve to have your mind circling itself.
Mhm… I still can’t help but want to trust that they at least had good motives… But based on everything I saw, It seemed predatory. But my mind keeps wanting answers, despite knowing it changes nothing and that I couldn’t trust them if I got them.
Ugh. Stopping my mind from racing around it is definitely one of the harder things I do all day. Thanks for the comment.
The universal assumption that offing one’s self is wrong seems wrong.
I’m surprised by how many people strongly assert that it is, almost as if they would be pulling the trigger themselves if they even began questioning it.
Hearing that, just having it acknowledged as a possibility instead of decrying depression or mental illness, gives a sense of stability.
Ironically, thoughts of suicide are comforting and stabilizing. They give us a sense of control when we are in deadly pain. They also make us feel like we are doing something about our problems. With that bit of calming, maybe then we can look at other options, if they are available. As to that assertion many people make:
My research suggests that suicide was not a word until perhaps 500 years ago. Compare those 500 years to the perhaps 3300 years or so that people have had words for things like adultery or stealing. Interesting as to what that implies.
So if indeed suicide were not even worth naming for most of human existence it suggests to me it should not have a strong moral flavor attached to it.
I was once just itching to get off this planet and came pretty close to it but have since been dissuaded from it for now. Nonetheless, should it prove to be needed for humane reasons I hope I would see it through.