So why am I so scared? To live is to die, we are all dying. But I have come to hate my life through anxiety and depression and they both make me feel like I am dying every second I am awake. But to force death before I reach my threshold must be more frightening than living or I would have found a way to overcome my survival instinct by now, right? I don’t know. I think a jump off a high place head first onto rocks or concrete might be a ten second hell at that, so why do I choose to suffer? I guess I’m not ready yet. Life is a confusing thing. I think this might just be a rant. Thank god it’s short.
I Know How You Feel. =”(
Maybe you have loved ones your accountable for? I’m staying alive for now for my family but I dunno how long I can hang on for. Just one moment at a time sigh
I do have family, probably a major factor. Thanks for your comment