I want to know what I will be getting myself into if I hang myself. I’ve done enough research on death to know reincarnation most likely exists, at least for some people. Read up on Dr. Ian Stevenson and Jim Tucker’s work if you are skeptical. Near death experiences make me feel that life after death is usually pretty good, at least initially. That’s the problem with them though: if someone comes back to life they may only be getting part of the picture. So the question then becomes what happens after a person has died and hasn’t reincarnated yet? I have managed to find some information about the intermission experiences but I would like to hear of more if possible. Ifno one has any intermission or prebirth stories I would settle for past life memories.
I haven’t died but I came close, it felt like a dream… almost easy to accept. I’ve known people to have overdosed and when they come back nothing changes in them. It’s hard to say.
My belief is once dead, you are as aware as you were before existance. A chemical (DMT) is released when you die… one that is suggested exists within all living things … in life and at the time if death.. and it causes hallucinations/ dream like states. Recollecting life events can be an example. I also believe in physics… all energy is not lost, just transfered. The transfer of energy can be considered heat. Perhaps if you were burnt… you would become heat. If you were buried you would become compost for the flowers, grass and trees… always a part of the universe in a basic way. In terms of consciousness, perhaps it is simply that your consciousness exists whilst your brain functions…. Still a reason to live a moral life, you may see it unfold at the time of your death.
That seems the logical version of it…
You die when your counciousness dies…
So basically it becomes oblivion even if it’s not immediate?
That scares me… but so does this life.
Michael Newton has written 2 excellent books about Lives between Lives. I read both his first and second books and they have contributed to my knowledge of the Afterlife significantly.
Have you read the “Tibetan book of the dead”? (AKA The great liberation for hearing in the bardo)
That’s what it is all about. From the very moment of death, right through to taking rebirth.
I died once so maybe this I’m experiencing now is the afterlife .. nothing I would want in a real life