If you are a member of Suicide Project, you might encounter very obscure groups known as “suicide prevention” groups. They might seem utterly harmelss, but they are sole reasons why Doctors aren’t liable to grant euthanasia, and thus have a vivio-centric view .
If you get a sniff in the nose and smell a rat, you are dead on. These groups are a trend going back to the 1960’s, They have existed under our noses all along and pop up for another profiteering market gobally. These groups are NOT driven by individuals wanting to have you having a happier life, they are there for another motive, you might ask why…
I have had a bad taste in the mouth with the name “suicide prevention” because that in itself bears a lot of responsibility. If you are going to take that responsibility, you should go down the full mile, instead of just partly, and actually do what needs to be done to get people’s lives better, instead of just raising more awareness to a cause we all know isn’t just uni-dimensional. The “suicide prevention” groups should actually be called “Reinforced living encouragement”.
If I jump into a firefight with a knife, I should not complain about getting injured, the same goes for these individuals who claims they offer “support” when their “support” is very mediocre at best. I find the same burden of proof onto the soul who tries to stop suicides, or diminish them( I am not certain what they are trying to accomplish in the end), but offers no further guidance or support any different from what everyone else does: it stays with words and verbal utterances. They also herd everyone under the same “mental illness” umbrella, unaware that motives differ and that life is hard and can be cruel.
I find it banal that groups like this exists in the 22nd century that always fluctuates from the general trend, and always geared to depressed teenagers. Psychiatrists refer to them as the “worry wellers”. They are just a bit miserable bunch and can usually respond well to therapy. However, this types of “awareness raising” fails to address the rest. There are seriously ill people, and those suffering from chronic pain, or Major depressive disorder cannot get better with simples CBT or other life-encouragement crap.
See, Things like this cannot be cured by just raising awareness. Don’t you get it? We need money and trust funds to get these people cheaper help. So they can live a life without worrying about finances and its glory first off. So what they do is asking you “how would money solve the problem of suicide”. Answer: It is mostly about money. We need a cut-throat solution which entails finances. Money buys the pills, gives a house to the unemployed and sick, bereavement, etc, etc.. It is the best shot to take in terms of diminishing suicides. Financial freedom would grant the suicidal person the option of making the BEST of his situation and fighting for that cause would merit the best possible achievement in real suicides prevention. But if you do fail in the end, you can always grant a subsidy to someone you know close-by in need of help, whatever it might be( and not just encouragement): Pay his medical bills, get him to a dentist, pay for his Psychiatry, give him/her a roof to live under, the list goes on…
Our Governments keep these pharmaceuticals and resources away from the section of population needing it badly. That is the reason suicides happen, not because a worry weller feels bad someday.
Suicides are made as a result of a constant agony and continued suffering. Although I agree with the supposed irrationality at times, it is the individual that should have that right and freedom. It is not for suicide prevention groups to determine what rational or irrational is and the best action to take. It is wilfully arrogant to create a “suicide prevention” group and call is “prevention” when you offer nothing new. This is the classicus definition of a “meme”. You are just repeating the meme, in this case preventing suicides. You and your little friends aren’t doing ANYTHING new…
I have mixed feelings on suicide prevention groups the ones who are genuine despite the fact I do agree with assisted suicide, euthanasia, mercy killing in the context of dying with dignity depending on the circumstances but oddly enough after reading that one post I looked into a CDC article on their perspective on assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killing so even though I agree to some extend maybe 80-20 or 60-40 percent of the time if I want to step away from the typical 50-50 pro anti agree while also disagreeing sometimes it really depends.
CBC not CDC cbc-network.org has an article from their own point of view on assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killing.
This is an interesting post that made me realize that “suicide prevention” groups can be just as politically motivated and apathetic to the actual issue as some “pro life” groups. The issues are identical in fact. Both are a debate over the freedom to commit mercy killings; it’s a valid debate with good points on both sides. But when the interest groups get so wrapped up in their side winning, they start making ridiculous promises, like “every suicide can be prevented” or “every baby has a place in this world.” And they make it sound like the problems of the real world don’t exist as long as everyone & everything is forced to remain alive.
Granted, there are some support groups whose mission is truly to ease suffering with tangible help. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t make sense to save a life if that life is just going to rot in unspeakable agony, or worse, end up inflicting more misery on the rest of the world. It’s not like we’re an endangered species, and I think we should focus our resources on helping those who want to be helped, rather than blocking the escape of those who just want out.
Awareness groups and neo-liberalism goes hand-in-hand. It is dead easy to raise awareness; but it is yet another thing to really want to change something. Yes, absolutely. The biggest beef I have with suicide prevention groups is their inability to get people the help they really need, and only focus on a small facet of suicidal people: usually down-in-the-dumps teenagers with girlfriend/boyfriend problems. So this is discriminating agains a large pool of seriously dire people who need urgent financial/Medical/Governmental support. Why aren’t these groups protesting for better financial aids instead?
If they feel so strong about “preventing” suicide, why do they only become bottlenecks? Why are they putting themselves out there for “help” but not really willing to complete all the steps?
If you look behind all these groups, it is obvious as per one of the biggest awareness raising groups, beyondtheblue.com…., in one of their major event speeches, the vice President of the cult bragged about the money they “raised” for awareness.( He himself is, a multi-minllionare). These money doesn’t go to better health schemes or anything to establish a new Governmental wing for pharmaceuticals or resources to aid the individual – it is yet another cash cow for fat cats to manipulate and scheme desperate people, and for liberal minded fucks to feel better about “doing something” rather than “doing nothing”. It is apparent that awareness raising or better called “reinforced suffering” don’t help at all. One can actually have a net depleted effect by creating so much awareness of a problem that the frustrated feel even more frustrated.
Even though one clause of my reasoning is enough to sink the ship of any “suicide prevention” group, there are too many desperate and ill minded hoards following the next-best- thing close to freedom, and could easily fall prey to these groups. Steer clear…
Agreed with much of what you said, but I just want to inject, since you used “liberal” twice in a derogatory manner, that the problem is on both sides of the political spectrum; that’s why I drew the parallel with “pro life” (hard conservative) groups who blindly claim that every baby must live, without bothering to address how. I’m fiercely independent, meaning I see all failed government efforts for what they are. I bat for no team because both teams are essentially run by the same self-serving, mass-controlling, pocket-stuffing tyrants who have always run human society. It’s not even an issue of political dogma (liberal/conservative). It’s an issue of political selfishness by both sides.
Good post OP I agree. For some individuals, the desire to commit suicide is a deep existential realization and not a product of mental illness. I think these are largely religious-based groups founded on the stupid notion that life is precious and worth living no matter how much pain you’re in.
Why don’t we ever have the opposite “suicide assistance” groups? We have an irrational fear of death in western countries. It’s a subject most people find unsettling to discuss and if you dare suggest it’s a good idea to die you’re met with hate and scorn, but why? We will all die one day, better to die on your own terms and time than let nature slowly torture you to death.
I’m 100% pro-suicide/euthanasia, it should be fully legal and open to anyone over the age of 10. I knew as a child I hated my life and my parents and seriously wanted to die. Since I knew nothing about ending my life as a child I just kept going.
But I look back and I realize I was right-sure my life wasn’t all bad, I had good experiences but what does it matter in the end that I lived for a few years more? Or decades longer. If I die now all my thoughts/experiences will disappear also and who would care? Life is the real problem, the real pain, struggle, hassle, misery. Death is freedom and eternal peace. We have it all backward.
There was a time I wanted to live as well and enjoy life-but like an amusement ride they all come to an end and so does life. We need to allow people to ‘leave’ whenever they want, though I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir.
That last paragraph tied it all together. Well written. “Suicide prevention ” has seemed shallow to me and now I see why.
I totally agree with your post.
In my country is the same sh*t and people who are part of these prevention suicide groups are not prepared enough to deal with real cases.
They are blindly against suicide and always try to convince you not to commit suicide and not to think life is horrible because of this and that hope and bla bla bla. All bullsh*it. They simply dont listen to you.
Besides that they have as their goal keep you alive bc they WANT TO CONVINCE YOU THAT IS GOOD but not becauae they really are helping you.
Pure hypocrisy !!! They want tax payers.
In UK they created a Ministry of Suicide this week trying to prevent suicide bc suicide cases are increasing a lot there and of course government is losing money (future or current tax payers).
All is an strategy to not lose the State money already invested in you since you are born. And all these fools from suicide preventio groups earn money profiting over suividal people disgrace.
Death has to be a choice not a State imposition.
I figure if we are not free to die, and we are not, then we are not truly free to live either.