Anyone else feeling ashamed each second of their life.?
Like you can’t even do the simplest thing right.?
And it’s even worse, when people humiliate you. And they don’t even see, that they’re doing it.
As if my selfhate wasn’t enough, I have to get reminded by others.
I can relate to some extent. When I hear people laughing I always assume they are laughing on me… My classmates are humiliating me often but Im sure Im just overexaggerating. When I text someone on facebook I always assume Im bothering them (especially girls). Im also ashamed of being a virgin at 19 (I have never even held a girls hand).
I have been feeling a lot of shame recently. But it’s mostly because I know I’ll be hurting my family and my young daughter when I kill myself.
Throughout my life I have felt more loneliness, inadequacy, anger, sadness, worthlessness, frustration and depression than shame.
But mostly I feel a mix of regret and relief at the thought that I will soon be gone.
Yup. I know how this works. I have failed at everything I have ever done. I am humiliated when people tell me about their fabulous lives or friends or kids or plans or … well anything. Me, I have nothing to be proud of. I am a complete and utter failure at everything I have ever done. Just waiting to die to get it over with.
I’m glad I’m not the only one… But maybe it would be better nobody else would feel this. I’m sorry that you guys feel this way…