Just had a baby last week. My boyfriend stayed home for a few days to help with the recovery. Hes gone back to work on Monday and im here…while my baby is in the hospital because she was born 2 months early. Im home and it hurts to move. I…have such an urge to harm myself. I told my doctors a plethora of times that im suffering from depression and it falls on deaf ears every time. I keep doing the wrong things, saying the wrong things, and i just feel like a failure and a horrible mom. A horrible person.
Can you overdose on percocets? They make my mind blurry, but they were prescribed to me for the c section. I never needed them, but can they be used to numb a different kind of pain? How many would it take? Its all i can do to hopefully fix myself again.
1 comment
I’m on this page tonight scanning for easy suicide methods when I came across your post. I want to tell you there is nothing more important than a mom. I hope you can stay strong til your child is an adult. Currently my mom is 85 and part of my depression is thinking about my life with out her. Mom’s are our best friends in life. No one can love us like our moms. Please get the attention of anyone (boyfriend’s mom, your mom, your aunty, anyone) and let them know you are contemplating suicide. Please try to stick around for your kiddo.