I was helping some newish people at work last night. This girl was doing extra work for no reason, i told them nicely that they didnt need to do that (didnt explain that we didnt have time to clean that spot for ao long, we were pretty busy).The chick stared at me, mumbled and continued to take her sweet ass time. Im tired of being disrespected. Im a senior worker. I thought that would mean something to someone, but it never does. It just makes me over think my life. Ive stayed up all night. I coulsnt sleep so now i had to go have a fewshots beforw i could get sleepy. I almoat threw up ashot and then accidentally swallowed it so theres that fun bit of info. Fuck im a fucking pigd, fuckime somebody jistfucking kill me please imdontwant to wake upfromt hos nightmare pfa life
1 comment
I feel this so hard. This used to happen to me at my old job, I would tell people to do things (in a leadership position) and they would just ignore me and do whatever they wanted. It’s hard to describe how sick and worthless it makes you feel. Hope you can figure out how to get past it, the only thing that made me feel better was when I left that job, or maybe when someone suffered the consequences of not listening to me.