this is stupid i know, but does anyone else just feel so stupid lonely? im not even 20 yet so im still really young, i know that i am, but i cant help feeling so lame over this. i have a few friends i guess, but no one that really knows everything. no one has ever had a crush on me, ive never been kissed or gone on a date.
its hard to see my friends dating and breaking up and getting new SO’s when ive never even had one or had anyone vaguely interested in me. it definitely doesn’t help with my belief that im meant to be alone forever due to some just…intrinsic flaw, something wrong with me. any thoughts, or anyone who can relate? even just knowing im not alone in this feeling would be great
You’re far from alone. I’m 43 years old. Had one somewhat serious relationship a bit over 20 years ago. A year and a half, wasted. She was content with doing everything online instead of in person, despite us only living a little over an hour away from each other. I’ve had more meaningful conversations with the bedroom wall. Then I found out she was seeing another guy behind my back. That was my first real suicide attempt that I can still see a bit of the scars to this day. The only thing that stopped me was asking myself why I was going to punish/kill myself because of what this ***** did. I never recovered though. Every attempt at a relationship from that point on was still either complete disinterest in me, using me, or screwing with my head. So, trust me when tell you that I, as well as many others, can relate. Whether a relationship is worth all the trouble is something only you can decide.
I can relate… Im 19 and in the exact same situation. I guess I just lack the self esteem to approach any girl… Its sad. To most people it comes at least somewhat natural. Maybe it´s coz my life is really so boring…
All I really want is to love someone, share my life with someone but i currently have nothing to offer. I would probably get way too dependent on the person coz I got nothing else going on with my life. Also my social circle is so small I only talk to some people in my class and thats it so I guess that makes me kinda cringy. I always hear that you should get your life together first, proceed your goals and then relationships will come naturally when you dont focus on it. I belive thats true but I dont even know if I have any goals right now. Im just a nihilistic lazy piece of crap. How could anyone fall in love with me If I cant even get to like myself is the question I really should be asking.
Its a closed circle for me… I am depressed because I cant get any girl, I cant get any girl coz Im depressed and I dont value myself.
I can relate i have only had 1 relationship it lasted 2 maybe 3 weeks and i only have one 1 friend just try and stay positive
I am a twenty seven yo girl. I am single because I am ugly. But, even If someone showed some interest I would probably refuse, cause I don’t have anything to offer. Also, I live with chronic pain. Yeah pretty bad for all of us. I still don’t have the courage tô kill myself. But will happen, I know that
loneliness is a state of mind.
It’s not stupid to feel lonely…