5 days ago i put the blade to my arm for the first time in my life. I was reading posts on SP, listening to music going through a depressive episode. My mind just said fuck it, wonder what its like cutting yourself. So i went ahead and did, with a razor blade. Make a few little cuts, got a rush, than overreacted and scared the shit out of my girlfriend. Made a post about it on SP, got a lot of advice and wisdom, but i was never the type to listen to anyone but myself anyway haha.
Fast forward 5 days and i have.. psh. More cuts on my arm than i can count if i tried. If i could guess, somewhere around 200? Its nice to look at, in a really fucked way. Still gonna do it, just riding out this wave. Could care less if i was alive or dead for the most part, and im bargaining on checking out early so it doesnt really matter anyway. Not really looking for advice because im not gonna listen, just a problem of mine, usually only learn from experience. So yea, just an update for those morbidly curious.
I would recommend at least getting some gauze wrap and steri strips for when you need to continue with your normal day and the damn thing won’t stop bleeding.
None of mine are deep so i dont have to worry about that now. But thanks for the advice.
Been cutting since 1979. I don’t do it often anymore but I still do occasionally. Not proud of it but I’m not ashamed either.