So, today is oficially the last day without meds. I’ve been on so many things throughout my life that I can’t recall all the SSRI’s names I’ve taken but for the last 2 and 1/2 years I’ve been off everything. Lately, things have gotten so bad I decided to give it a shot since solely therapy stopped working altogether.
I don’t know how to feel about it. I’m not excited either, just going with the flow and it brought me to this point.
I still believe it is easier to just drop everything and die but something inside of me is telling me to give this a try.
I know the effects can change a lot depending on the people but I wanted to ask you:
Do you feel better on antidepressants?
We’ll see how my reaction will be.
I’ve been suicidal for 12 years. I felt no real change on anti-depressants except a harder time creating your own natural happiness while off the medication. I don’t think medication is worth the risk because one of the medication left me fish out of water, belly-up on the shore. But it was an antipsychotic which is said to be powerful. So kind of like the medication overpowered me and I suffered enormously because of it.
Are you on smth right now?
No I haven’t taken medication in 3 years.. I do however smoke a lot of cigarettes, occasionally drink alcohol and sometimes smoke marijuana. (I used to smoke a lot of marijuana until I was arrested.) I’ve tried CBD oil and Kratom most recently.
I’m currently on Lexapro, can’t really say if it helps much but it seems to be the most popular antidepressant prescribed these days.
I’ve been on that one before. It worked foe a little while, but stopped working for me. I could never find an anti depressant that fits me.
If you find the right medication, you should be fine. Not all medicines work for others the same way. Some can make you feel worse and others can actually help you. Some have bad side affects and some have side effects that don’t last too long. I would still give medication a try and find the one that works for you.
I hope it will work. I don’t know what else to do.