I still remember the day all of it happened, it was 5 years ago at this day. I remember
what exactly happened. Exactly 8:00 am when I transferred into a school in the Philippines, at first I thought everyone there was friendly because I have friends who study there. But, no I was wrong. I was harassed for being Korean, it sucked and I had to endure it up to now (I’m still in school) they would throw things at me. heck it even went to my classmates throwing rocks at the place I stay in. I would literally cry for hours during the night cuz’ I had no one who would defend me. after a few more days everytime I would come in to the classroom I would always see things written in the board and on my desk. It continued to be like that for a few years and eventually my grade 8 teacher saw what they were doing to me and had them expelled. I was told to go back to Korea to stay there for a while until they talk to their parents about them getting expelled. While I was back at Korea, I told my parents about everything that happened and they felt sad for me. After that, you think it was over? oh hell nah.
during my 9th grade I was harassed more in my classes and that’s when I started thinking about suicide. First time I attempted to kill myself was back in my dorm, I originally planned to do it with a knife, but my roommate saw me and she stopped me and contacted the school counselor to come to our dorm and talk to me. I still, try to do it now but I don’t have the opportunity to do it. But does it really matter if other people saw me jump off a bridge? They probably wouldn’t, right?
I’m sorry you have been harassed, young people have no idea what they are doing and can be very mean, they feed each other in groups and being cruel is all their capable of, being different is cool IMO, Things will get better as you grow older, it’s like that every where it has nothing to do with you. Don’t let them change you fill your heart with hate, you don’t have to like them. Your probably pretty smart too they can’t stand that either, remember they are not your friends therefore no real lost, I’m excited for you, you know another language, in the future that gives you a great advantage in the business world. And will be a very strong person much more than them. It would matter if you jumped to people that didn’t see you. This will pass most people don’t do this out of school high school and your almost there! Hang in there!
tbh, I don’t really care about them anyways. they probably just want my attention…so yeah.
I love it!
I’m sorry you were reported to the school counselor, that’s kind of creepy of your roommate to do that to you. School counselors aren’t really the best to help people like us, the suicidal.
School counselors are usually better at things like talking to girls about their periods or birth control or their cup size, etc. but when it comes to suicide they don’t know a damned thing.
I also think in a way your roommate reporting you to the counselor is another form of harassment and I am mostly apologetic to you for that. Because girls like her seem to have wanted to prey on you to get you in trouble. Probably if she knew you had been harassed, abused in the past to the point of becoming suicidal that she saw you, maybe, as vulnerable so easy to control/attack. Kind of like a creepy, “mother knows best” vibe, but instead being your roommate.
That must be creepy, especially if other people (random like you don’t even know them) in your school know that she did that and reported you for suicide watch. It may cause other students to feel like they can leech on you officially, now that they know you are weak.