I don’t like
Having to witness this
I can’t
Get the courage to tell her to apologize when she’s in the wrong
she might turn around and yell at me. I dont want that. I’ve had enough of that
How can I make myself better. How can I be good enough to not be yelled at. To not be looked upon in such manner
I hate it
I hate it
I hate how she hits them for a reason that she believed to be true, but wasn’t. And doesn’t apologize but continue to yell and hit for an extended reason that justified the initial one. Just like with me.
I hate how I just sit and watch
I hate how I stop myself from telling her to apologize to them. She misunderstood but like always, was too prideful to say so.
I hate how she hasn’t changed
I hate how she’s too stubborn to take my words seriously and detests me pointing out her flaws
I hate how every time I point out that she was in the wrong she flips my words on my own head, making me hate myself and wonder why the fuck I opened my mouth in the first place
I hate myself for not knowing how to help them
I hate having to sit here and see all the different ways they could be affected by this one instance. Just like me.
They might stop eating unless told to
They’ll be afraid to do anything with others around
They didn’t even receive and apology for being slapped because she thought they were putting legos in their mouth.
They were just eating candy
And yet she kept slapping them and telling them to spit it out
Even when the other one told her that they were just snacking
I hate
Just sitting here
How do I go to them when she’s around and tell them what I know
I hate this
1 comment
Try to always be a step ahead of her.
I am assuming you are talking about your siblings. Make sure to let them know when they haven’t done something wrong. Let them know that adults are not always right. Teach them about the world; read to them about manipulation and psychology.