My mental health has gone to shit and it’s been shit for so long now and I always wonder why I never just end everything for good. Am I some sort of masochist or something? I keep on jumping between being majorly depressed to having just minor depression and nothing is fixing the mess of my mind so I don’t know why I’m staying here when I’m just in constant pain. I feel like I’m not going anywhere and I’m just watching everyone around me grow and excel in life. I feel like my life no longer has any meaning or purpose since I’m just… stagnant and not going anywhere in life. I hate myself for disappointing everyone around me now that school work has gotten harder. I’m really trying to push through like I always have but everything is getting too much and I’m so tired of everything. I just don’t want to be me anymore.
Welcome to planet earth. We are all neurotic here. It is a beautiful insane asylum with just every possible distraction, of both the pleasant and unpleasant variety.
But the main theme of our life here, as far as I can understand, is to learn how to overcome these internal mental hinderances. Many find permanent distractions to doing that, whether it be wealth, power, achievement, drugs, sex, etc.
On the flip side, depression, anxiety and darkness can be clung to as well in order to avoid doing what needs to be done.
I know what you are going through. Ive been stuck there for very long periods of time and still go back frequently. There was a time when I was insane.
About the only thing that has helped me deal with it is Buddhist descriptions of all this and meditation techniques. I have found Bante Vimilaramsi’s teachings to be most exceptional. He has a great body of material on YouTube. His take on meditation is the best one Ive come across.
Traditional counsellors have all been unable to reach me, I now see that whole thing as trap.
Psychedelic drugs have enabled me to understand and believe some of this Buddhist stuff, but they can do no more than that and must not be used as a permanent method, or else they make things worse.
I hope you find your way in this life.
I’m sorry you have to go through that, it really sucks. You deserve better.
Idk if this helps but I also often fluctuate between minor and major depression.