Often, I find myself in this cycle, where I juggle between numbness and suicidal thoughts. I push away people who love me because I’m an idiot, and I hate myself for never being good enough. I’ve been trying to not use drugs as a way to cope, but every day, the idea of using more dangerous methods of self-harm seems to flood my mind in the hopes of ending this anxiety-ridden nightmare I call existence. This is my first post, and I feel weary that this “rant” may offend some people. I’m not used to sharing how I feel. I hope maybe someone may read this and feel a little less alone if they can relate.
Hello, feel free to share whatever here since it’s a welcoming space! I’ve been on the self-harm path and I don’t wish it on anyone. I understand the idea is appealing, but it is not worth it. The temptation never goes away even after I stopped. I’m sorry you feel so hurt that you want to take it out on yourself, but take that energy and instead do the things you love. Easier said than done, but that’s how I try to cope. Hope you feel well soon
I struggle with the thoughts and pushing people away. Just please stop pushing because people wont come back and thats a hard thing im adjusting to right now. When u feel the need to push away, come here n write it out instead