maybe if I can get better at noticing the little victories
I revamped my resume for a job that has been chasing me. I’m super apathetic about it, but it’s nice to be chased. Then today I got an email that they want a second interview, awesome. My dad tossed me some cash, we got some nice stuff for V-day, and my wife got the information on a local banks recruiting. This means that for the first time in four years, my wife and I both have active potential job prospects.
I also got my meds ahead of schedule, which is one less thing to worry about… Oh, and my friends are treating me to a concert trip in a few months. All positive stuff.
All the same, still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Still not trusting any of these things that promise a good day will deliver on it. Meanwhile in my personal projects I’m working on learning to exploit human weakness, because in theory the people I hate have those, and revenge is the one gift left I can give myself. I’m a bitter and frustrated shell of what was once a human.
If only my comment could capture how helpful this is. Here we are, all of us never far from being overwhelmed, with relief from our issues always out there somewhere in the future, and yet there are the “little victories”. How sweet they are.
That’s actually pretty awesome, noticing the little things you do right and moving on over dwelling on mistakes feels so good. These little things help go through the day in my case, seriously. Congrats on getting that resume done, you did it and you did good, I feel like knowing that it takes effort to do something useful that could be the first step of getting out of a sticky situation like this makes it feel twice as rewarding. Little steps turn into leaps at some point in your journey. You should be proud of yourself also hoping you’ll land that job! Second interview sounds promising. Apologies if these sound like empty words but I mean it