Getting set up to go on my first trip in awhile, even longer since I went on a pure pleasure vacation… the downside? It’s a state that I haven’t had the best of luck in. As in every time I’ve entered that state since age 18 (which is at least half a dozen times) something bad has happened; on the far worst end I got kicked out of an entire entertainment complex due to one of my worst public meltdowns….. to the lightest of being yelled at by my boss for not accurately understanding the street layouts…
so we’re playing a game that I play a lot; real or not real? correct perception, or colored by trauma?
I’ve been watching War Inc, about an assassin dropped into the middle of a war zone, and he manages to have fun at it. that’s my take on this thing….. I don’t know what will happen, but if I go in ready for the worst… I might just have fun.
Somehow it’s considered a healthy response to say “screw it, I’ve had worse”, because at the moment I have way less than normal to lose. Still there is also some anxiety about being robbed while I’m out, or something happening to one of my animals being boarded…. can’t even anticipate all the ways stuff might hit the fan…
anyway, rewarding myself for finishing prep by having a whiskey soda… maybe not the most healthy approach, but tasty