I take a sick kind of glee tracking down those with poor suicide education and educating them. Human curiosity is insufferable, so I see many of the new initiates post; “When you are depressed, is that like being really really sad?”
and it’s stupid. Yeah, depression is kind of an enduring sadness. But that’s so obvious, we’ve talked about it ad nauseum.
On the other hand, maybe it’s insightful. I feel like the main character in the Russian folktale the boy who left home to learn about the shivers.
In the story the hero is introduced as someone who asks constant questions, which gets on his family’s nerves to the point that his father shoves some coins in his hands, and tells him to go learn something.
What follows is what you’d expect; tests of character with rewards. Several times he mentions his “true love” though he doesn’t know her name. No matter how ghastly the ghoul, he won’t shake.
Anyway, dragons slayed he returns home rich, and still feeling a little guilty that he hadn’t learned to shiver. When he meets his true love and her parents, and he offers himself in marriage he finds himself shivering. He suddenly stood up and yelled in victory; “At last! At last I’ve learnt to shiver!”
And that’s my story too. Though instead of supernatural ghouls, I’ve found human ones. I’ve seen lives so bone crushingly sad, I can’t pull up again. So I guess I went into this career field to find what sort of horrible people are responsible for our world being the way it is. I didn’t expect to find it, and certainly not this quickly. I thought this was going to take generations for my family to find a darkness that dark.
But no, 12 short years of study. The question is “now what?” I don’t have nearly the resources I’d need to tackle this.
I feel like I can relate to this a bit because I tend to have a savior complex towards those around me. It can actually be very detrimental to my social life (not that it’s too full anyways…) since lots of people don’t ever truly want solutions to their problems.
We get too invested, and then we get hurt. (Well, at least I do.)
On a different note though, I don’t necessarily believe it’s a bad thing you’re doing. Humans are selfish, and while yes, it may be to give you a sense of satisfaction or joy finding those types of people, what’s the harm when you’re educating an audience on a topic most don’t feel comfortable enough discussing?
people don’t want solutions to their problems…. man is that the core of my gripe with being alive. Not so much when it concerns them personally, that’s their choice. I have issues when an institution that has a job isn’t interested in doing it.
Child welfare was what broke me. When I found out how unimportant children are to my society…… I’ve been really depressed about that
Well It’s a depressing topic, I would be too. I’d like to sugarcoat it and say it’s okay, but I won’t, because It’s not.
People should care more. Some do, most don’t.
Unfortunately, it won’t ever be okay because I don’t think there are enough “good ones” to outweigh the bad.
This probably isn’t the response you had in mind but as my mother puts it, “brick in the face speaking” is a hell of a lot better than beating around the bush or giving out bs responses.
The horrible people responsible for the world being the way it is are a bunch of cabalistic occultists, hollywood elites, globalists and politicians known collectively as the New World Order or the Illuminati. The world isn’t as shitty as everyone believes. There are good people out there. It’s just the very system we live in is designed to keep us down. Blame Abrahamic religions. Hell, blame religion going back all the way to thousands of years ago. The foundation of our history is built on thousands of years of generational ignorance. The cults and “mystics” of past centuries didn’t just go away. They just entered into the shadows.
Speaking of “the elite” and “illuminati” I hate how Hollywood liberals (celebrities) have little to no respect for the blue collars that put their life on the line for others. The only references you hear- are about “women that fight the man” or “the man” here or there, wherever a man is. They haven’t walked in those shoes, genuinely… It feels like some of them up there just sit there on Instagram and push labels… Maybe I’m short-sighted. But it’s easy to say something’s wrong and get angry… That’s not real empathy… Idk