I have all these thoughts that come to me day after day, but when I get here to write them down, they seem to slip away. I still don’t know if I’m going to quit my Masters or stick with it. I’ve been looking up jobs in my spare time. I forgot why I choose to continue my education and run away from joining the workforce. Then I see the job postings and I remember again. It seems like I’d be worthless as a masters student or as a regular engineer. I can’t do anything. I’m totally worthless. Incapable of anything. Lately I’ve been thinking about how nice it would be to start dating. Finding someone who is nice to me and cares. But then I look at my face and my bad skin and I remember how unlikely it would be. I feel like their is an extent to a person’s life where it would be best to call it quits. To say that there can’t be anymore that is done. I have used up all of what I was worth. I feel like that point has passed for me. There is nothing more I can do.
1 comment
If you’re close to getting ur masters, I would still get through it and get it. A master’s can get you a good chance of getting a job. I would say if your mental health gets worse to the point it’s hard to do the work, I would take a break from it and come back when you’re ready. When it comes to dating, you can’t be miserable about yourself. If you go into a relationship feeling down, it can really bite you in the butt. I say this because it did that to me. I would just let things happen natural. Don’t go searching for dating. Just live your life and get your degree. Dating can come later. We all have flaws in our appearances. I can understand you feel insecure about ur looks and feel like no one would like you. You’d be surprised how people cam take an interest in you even though you feel ur nothing. Just don’t go out looking. If someone takes an interest in u, let it happen naturally. That’s your best bet.