I’m not doing too hot. I’m actually in excruciating pain. I present my progress tomorrow. The robot isn’t done. I spent the last few weeks working on nothing but the project. That’s a lie. I’ve spent a lot of it goofing off. Every second I spent playing games could have been spent on the project. I spent around 14 hours yesterday trying to assemble it. No dice. Any idiot with half a brain could have done what I did in a few hours. It’s killing me. The stress. I can feel myself […]
J Doe
A lot on my mind. As usual. Trying to figure out how to say it all. Probably won’t. Best place to start is probably the new medication. Had my psychiatric appointment this past Wednesday. Told him the usual spiel. Anxiety, fear, the feeling of not belonging etc etc etc. Somehow it eventually get around to maybe my anxiety is as bad as it is because I can’t focus. He floated the idea that I might have ADHD. Of course I couldn’t help but make a face which he noticed. He admitted that it’s “popular” […]
And that’s why it really hurts. Radiohead. This is one of those times where I feel like I need to let it out but don’t really know what to say. Still feel like I’m drowning. Still feel like this doesn’t end well. Still can’t stand to look them in the eye when I talk. It’s not going to end well. It really isn’t. The thing is, I do it to myself. Nobody else to blame.
Shouldn’t a person be able to choose their own ending? That thought keeps popping up in my head again and […]
Week was as unproductive as usual. The Tuesday meeting was pretty bad. My advisor tried to reiterate that he wants me to submit a paper by October. Seemed to be annoyed that I still haven’t built my stupid fucking robot by now. I hesitated when he asked if I can get it done. Just didn’t have the heart to lie like I normally do. Could tell he wasn’t happy with my hesitancy. The thing is he isn’t even asking a whole lot. Any person who had half a fucking brain could probably do it. Too bad […]
So I talked to my advisor. Turns out he won’t be gone all semester. Just all of September. It’s always such as strange conversation. It starts out so hopeful than you can tell he gets more and more disappointed as time goes on. I’m just glad it wasn’t in person. This weekend was a bust. Couldn’t muster the energy to wake up early and ended up waking up at 11. Been avoiding like I always do. It teeter totters back and forward to thinking it will be ok to thinking that there’s no way out. I can […]
I’ve been home since Tuesday. To see family before school starts. My internship ended on the 9th. So that gave me a few days to sort stuff out before I had to travel. I go back this Tuesday. In those short few days I kinda avoided the lab. Too ashamed that I didn’t meet my goal again. So talking to my advisor was going to be painful. Of course that was a bad move. Turns out he’s on sabbatical this semester. So before he leaves I need to talk to him or it will be […]
I present my half baked paper tomorrow. Still getting comments that I did things wrong. Typical. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous. Even though logically I really shouldn’t be. I decided already that this whole thing was a bust so a good presentation or a bad presentation shouldn’t really make any difference. I just really don’t like talking in front of anyone. The most important thing is that I don’t look too defeated when they pull apart every detail of my paper. Need to know how to take criticism. Regardless of […]
Lot on my mind. As usual. Next week is my last week for my internship. I came into it expecting to fail, but that doesn’t make it any easier. Last month or so I’ve just been working on a stupid report that bores me to fucking tears. Last week or so been dicking around more than usual because I can’t be bothered to try anymore. My mentor has gotten to the point where all he can say about my report is that it is “readable”. I can tell he’s already sick of me. I tell myself that […]
Needed to take a moment. At work right now. It’s her birthday today. Said I’d call her after losing a bet with myself. Pretty sure it’s just an excuse. Still haven’t done it. Teetering back and forward. One part pulling me in one direction, another illogical part pulling me in another. Every rational part of my brain says not to. That it’d be pointless to try. Just re opening scars that haven’t fully closed yet. She’s gone. Got to accept that. The other part of me makes no sense. Part of […]
Things have gotten better. My bad luck finally leveled out. I got my van back after 3 fucking weeks. I moved into my place. My dad went back home today. Things are stable enough to allow me to start buying parts for my PC again. Even though I failed my intern project, something was worked out to where now all I have to deliver is a report. Bores me to fucking tears, but I should still try to make it good. Kinda phoned it in last week and spun my wheels. Can’t afford to do that, […]
For the few comments I got on my last few posts, thank you. You guys did seem rather concerned and I am grateful. Maybe I have been over reacting a bit. I’m still going to work and lab, but I definitely feel the tug of suicide pulling me harder and harder. I’m still fighting, but I really don’t want to anymore.
My dad is here helping me move. I’ve treated him very poorly. I just can’t help it. Everything is setting me off. The whole situation. I wish I wasn’t like this, but I am. […]
Every single cell in my brain is telling me to kill myself. It’s over. It’s done. No more. Just can’t keep fighting. Tired and worn out and nothing goes right. The pain of all the screw ups and failures has dulled a bit, but they still persistent. Tried talking to a few friends and a suicide hotline, and even if it feels a little better, can’t help but feel like there’s no way beyond this. I know my problems aren’t as big as other people’s, but that empty feeling won’t go. I think in the back […]
My internship project is over. I took too long to design the thing and now lead times would take too long. My manager suggests that I just document what I have so that I can hand it off to the next intern or co-op. He seemed rather disappointed in the whole situation. I kept a straight face during it. My mentor on the other hand took a different approach. He thinks that there is still time with enough finagling with contractors and such. He’s setting himself up for disappointment. Both kept saying the same thing. That […]
Almost 6 weeks. More like 5 and a half. I’m finally starting to crack. Honestly I lasted a lot longer than I thought I would. So I guess that’s something to be proud of. Nothing in my internship is going right. I want to start ordering parts so I can actually do stuff, but every time I show my final design there’s something wrong. Either I put to much focus on something I shouldn’t have or didn’t think something through. I’m told to just go and do it fast, but when I do I’m told that I […]
God’s a cocksucker and I’m glad his shitty kid got nailed to a piece of driftwood.
I hope this makes him angrier at me. I hope he tries to fuck me over more. Worst god damn day every. I go to work and make almost zero progress. I end work and immediately go to lab where I make almost zero progress. I go home and I’m tired and I just want to make some food and go to bed because I’m going to use the train tomorrow because I want to go to the arcade after work and get drunk. And I lose my fucking phone. From the walk to my car to my […]
Fourth week starts tomorrow. A quarter of the way through. I’m trying to figure out which strike I’m on. I feel like I haven’t hit 15 yet, but I think I’m pretty close. Too many screw ups, too many instances of embarrassing myself, too little thought into what I do. I feel like my mentor at this point has just given up on me. Everything I try to do, I mess up or don’t think through. So like I said I can’t go into specifics because I’m pretty sure corp Z is watching, but my job was to […]
Week 2 is over. Week 3 starts tomorrow. The second week was a tad bit rough. Kept making dumb mistakes and tripping over myself in front of my mentors and other engineers. Still trying to chip away at it. Still not entirely sure how this is going to end. Any of it. Been going to lab on Saturdays to try to chip away at the other stuff. Making a tiny bit of progress, but I want to be in there more to work on it. I can’t with my current commute. Get up at 5 […]
I had a very vivid dream this morning. I don’t remember too much now, but I remember it feeling very real at the time. For whatever reason, people from my lab or school or something were going to a fair. I don’t remember who, I just remember they were very familiar. However there was this one girl who I had never seen before. I don’t remember her face too well or how she sounded like, but it all felt very warm. In my head the name Auroran kept popping up, but I don’t think that’s a real name so […]
A lot on my mind. Trying to organize it all, but I don’t think I’ll be able to get out everything. I never really do. It was a brutal first week. But not in the way I expected. The commute is the worse by far. Get up at 5 get to the office at 8:15 leave at 5:15 and get home at 8. Going to rent a car for this week. It will cut that commute in half easy. The job itself was actually not too bad. Best one of these I’ve had so far. […]
School ended two weeks ago. Barely passed the one class I was in and didn’t hit my goals for my thesis. Fairly predictable outcome. I got to go home for a week which is nice. I always get short tempered when I’m around my family. I just got so used to being on my own that having to plan around other people gets annoying. I really shouldn’t be though. My parents were really happy to see me again. Been almost half a year since they did. Wish I wasn’t and can be happy around them, but […]