I’m still in a fair amount of pain, don’t let me lie about that, but finding that others have found dignity in suffering, it makes me hope maybe I will as well. I’ve been holding onto this song for a few days, but it really takes an approach I like. Particularly “what does this rotten old society have to do with me?”, That sort of unabashed knowing one has fallen, but not taking shame in it, rather mocking those who are so easily placated.
The second one needs less introduction, just “those without dreams don’t get sad”…. which is my current life philosophy; hoping in things that will never come it eats you up, don’t be a fool, don’t fall for the material deception.
I should explain a bit about what I have come to understand about China, because I know I as a westerner was quite ignorant into what kind of society it actually is. It’s called communist, but it is more of an authoritarian mix with capitalism. The central idea “he who does not work does not eat” is the antithesis of Communist thought, which states “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” China has no social safety net, no consumer protections, no worker protections, and most there are engaged in the 996 lifestyle, that is working from 9 AM – 9 PM six days a week. Even so, they are paid very little, and have very few options to invest.
If they can stand up, say it’s wrong, then why not us who are free to talk about it? These topics I’ve discovered have been suppressed by the Chinese Government, it is a movement in direct defiance of the authorities. The risks are great, people are dissappeared (killed or imprisoned) for the smallest of things. It is only because this attitude of defiance has permeated so many of the young people the CCP can’t quiet it down.
Again, if these young people can be so bold, what’s stopping anyone else? They fight an authoritarian state with great financial and political power… yet Americans are supposed to be cowed by the very rich who after all only have what they have through patient manipulation of the system? The American system has mechanisms to correct these things, the Chinese system doesn’t.
It frustrates me so much, this attitude that the corrupt and powerful will prevail. Can’t anyone see that it is not so? That eventually people stand up to the bullies?
I see China, and I see the world the authoritarians would love to create in the US… and I see that even that would be feeble, would be capable of defeat, if enough people stood up.