My legs hurt like hell, still, from Monday afternoon when I last crawled around my attic to work on the security system
OH, and I broke a $15 hole saw…. which was frustrating. Then when I went to the store to get a cheaper version I could not get anyone to help me with it. It occurs to me as strange, when I go to the electronics store I’m swarmed with employees, and I know what I’m doing THERE….. but I’m still figuring out some stuff at the hardware store…. there are still tools I’ve never bought or only bought once.
It makes me wonder what will happen when future generations reach my age, because I’m the outlier in my own generation for even sort of knowing what I’m doing. I think my father in law had a point about that the shortage in tradespeople is eventually going to hurt people
Not me, to be clear, because the only thing I need a tradesperson for is HVAC guy to buy refrigerant and charge my lines. I try to throw them all the work I can afford to…. which isn’t even half of the stuff I could get their help with.
Oh, and two days straight lithium free, a personal best. I’m not sure if I’m going to go 1 – 2 -1 -3 or if I’ll get ambitious and go 1 -3 -1….. I guess I have three days to figure that out. When I get to a full week, I’ll probably drop off it entirely.
but there’s irony in it, my leg pain, because it probably wouldn’t exist if not for my taper off, because for most of the last three months I haven’t had that kind of energy. So the difference is now I’m downed for recovery, instead of downed by powerful seditives. That’s a win? maybe.
LOL with a title like “legs,” I guess us Americans are conditioned to picture a sexy female leg like in those commercials (preferably wearing high-heeled pumps) bc that’s exactly what I was thinking, and I’m a straight female lol.
how dare you lead us in with your title? now i need to see some sexy leg 😛
“I think my father in law had a point about that the shortage in tradespeople is eventually going to hurt people”
–Oh it’s already hurting people. Don’t worry, once the shortage hits it’s peak, whenever that is, then it’ll over-swing in the other way and there’ll be TOO MANY tradespeople. It always seems to go in cycles. There’s a shortage or deficiency, and ppl flock to fill the demand, then it gets over saturated, and eventually swings the other way around again- only to repeat again and again. That’s history eh?
Just like there’s WAY too may “college educated” graduates right now, with most people having worthless degrees. It’s going to over-correct and I assume there’ll be a shortage of degreed people in a decade or so.
But then again, paper degrees are pretty worthless.