People ask, where do I wanna be
What do I wanna do
Where do I wanna end up
And I don’t fucking know
I feel like a Toy Story toy, I’m nothing without someone else playing with me, putting me in construed situations, pulling my strings, I’m happiest and most myself when I can go limp and silent in their hands and at the end of the day be put back in my place
My selfhood and my drive, my determination and my will, my so-called creativity, all are brief battles
Tumultuous unguided and unpredictable bursts that only exhaust me and leave me more confused.
A toy that thinks it should get its own apartment or that it can do a job or finally start brushing its teeth every night
But now I’m in the middle of the street, dodging cars
I am so small and slow, and they are so big and fast
Who the hell let me get off my shelf
Me? No, it can’t be
Lowing, I am brought low,
I’m a domesticated animal
I’m a stalemate, I’m in a trench, never lifting my head over the top, smokeless pipes so the shells don’t find me
I am pyrrhic, internecine
A house that cannot stand
No one lives here
Abandon all hope, ye who enter
All for the worse, ye who leave
There is no feeling, no form, No promise I can keep
Except for that final one that comes for us all
And I run from it and to it like a panicking lamb
This is my keeper to whom I belong
Did you not raise me that I may not run from the knife
But I am too simple to not fear my purpose, and too servile to not know I make good meat
My blood is not protection for an apostolic door to an empty and broken house
So, as always, I meet death and life, Love and hate, in the middle,
Wanting two things, and having none
But the final solace and torture of my self on my shelf
I like your poem. I know it’s kind of missing the point when I say this, but I like Toy Story. As small and weak as they were, those toys managed to do alot. And they found purpose in making kids and each other happy. I hope things get better for you.
you have a gift. wish i could express how i feel as well as you do. keep writing!