Man, I thought I was fucked up but these ppl in the videos make me feel almost “normal.”
What is wrong with ppl these days? Our world has gone to shit. Like seriously, growing up, ppl weren’t as crazy and fucked up as it is now. Growing up, we didn’t have mass shootings like every month. We didn’t have millions of Karens and Kens roaming around ruining everyone’s every day lives. Well sure, there always were entitled ppl, assholes and racists, but they tended to keep that shit to themselves in the past, more or less.
Yes, social media highlights all the rottenness and depravity, and exposes everything much better than the newspapers and the 13 television channels and radio we had. But even just common courtesy, like opening doors for others, saying “excuse me,” has gone out the window for pushing, shoving, rudeness, and just plain callous indifference that ppl have towards other humans these days.
Anyone else think ppl have gotten MORE rotten over the past few decades? I’m old enough to be able to compare decades. I don’t think ppl were AS fucked up as they are now. But I could be wrong. Maybe ppl were always this rotten and no one knew it until social media shined a spotlight on it, much like shining a flashlight and seeing all those cockroaches. eww.
YouTubers Who Recorded Before They Murdered
btw, guy#1- Elliot Rodgers wasn’t a bad looking guy. He keeps blaming his looks but he could definitely have gotten girls with his looks. I felt sympathy towards him for the first 2 min or so…until I found out he was a mass murderer. It was his odious, creepy personality + constant blame of women for all this woes that made woman unattracted to him. Women can sense a man’s hatred for women.
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I read Elliot Rodger’s manifesto. He had very good memory. It’s a boon but also a curse. He couldn’t forget his childhood bullying. It shaped his personality. He didn’t have hate for women, though he was vocal about that. He had self doubt and self esteem issues but of course people like him never introspect and only project things outside. I blame bullying as #1 reason for his act. He could’ve grown up to be a very nice, kind, nature loving actor or director had he not been mercilessly bullied in schools.
btw you’re right, he was good looking guy, don’t know why he could never see that.